This appendix includes an alphabetical listing of the people the adventurers have met, the places they’ve visited, the things they’ve encountered along their journey, and a map of Eritz and the neighboring seas.
- Battle of Wayside - Led by Great Mouth, the hill giant, a horde of goblins attacked the village of Wayside. [ch. 13, ch. 14]
- The Conflict - Commonly used to reference The Uprising. [ch. 5]
- The Uprising - A great war several centuries ago, when the common folk rose up to battle the magic-users and religious clerics, who had dictatorial control over the continent. The Hands of the Wand and the Eyes of the Star were created at the end of the war to monitor arcane and religious sects throughout the land. [ch. 5]
- Asura - Female aarakocra and member of the Ember Wing Wardens, entrusted with guarding the temple of Aish on Amonah. [ch. 44]
- Ben Dabbler - Male halfling who owns The Bargain Ben, a shop located in Wayside. [ch. 1]
- Bonnie - Female human owner of the Buzzin Bee in Wayside and Trill’s older sister. [ch. 3]
- Boog - Male half-ogre bartender of Weigh Anchor in the docks of Elsemar. [ch. 24]
- Boscoe - Former pirate and male human proprieter of Boscoe’s Bilge on the west side of Amonah, located in a small cove used by pirates. [ch. 34]
- Brooj - Male loxodon archivist at the Elsemar Hall of Records. [ch. 23]
- Cabanna - Non-binary tiefling member of the Low Elves in Wayside. [ch. 3]
- Cindel Trueshot - Female half-elven leader of the Low Elves in Wayside. She loves to say “huzzah!” and always seems to end a pivotal moment in battle or conversation while standing in a shining sunbeam with a gentle wind blowing her hair and cape out behind her in a dramatic way. [ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3, ch. 4]
- Claire - Female human owner of Eclairvoyant’s Tea Shop in Elsemar. [ch. 20]
- Dolly - Female half-elf owner of Dolly’s Donuts in Elsemar. [ch. 18]
- Don Karnahge Male human, an artificer, and captain of the Iron Vulture, a mid-sized ship docked in Elsemar. [ch. 22]
- Elar - Human husband of Preva who was captured by goblins, along with their daughter, Vera, while out hunting in the forests surrounding Wayside.
- Elve - Male human member of the Low Elves in Wayside. [ch. 2]
- Flo - Female aarakocra hostess and waitress at Waffle Wizards in Food Alley of Elsemar. [ch. 21]
- Fred - Male half-orc chef at Dolly’s Donuts in Elsemar. [ch. 18]
- Grak, of the Grik - Male goblin member of the Low Elves in Wayside—he doesn’t wear pants, unless things get serious. [ch. 2, ch. 3]
- Grinder, Brumnier - Male dwarf owner of Grinder’s Mill in Elsemar, close to Food Alley and the Docks. [ch. 20]
- Gustaf Mondalbrot - Male human archaeologist, met in a crypt on the island of Amonah. [ch. 42]
- Halodreth - Male human owner of Scribbles & Nibs apothecary shop in Wayside, who has a raven familiar named Herbert. [ch. 4]
- Herbert - Halodreth’s raven familiar.
- Lyra Swiftarrow - Female half-elven ranger who lives in the forest east of Wayside.
- Magnus - Male human nobleman member of the Low Elves in Wayside. [ch. 2, ch. 3]
- Marigold - Female half-elf hostess & server at Dolly’s Donuts in Elsemar. [ch. 18]
- Nyx Whiskerfang - Male tabaxi with tabby markings who is a blood hunter and hunts the undead on Amonah. [ch. 39, ch. 41]
- Preet - An unaccomplished bard and male human member of the Low Elves in Wayside. [ch. 2, ch. 3]
- Preva - Female human owner of the flower shop in Wayside, wife of Elar, and mother of Vera.
- Rezko -Male dwarf who works at Grinder’s Mill in Elsemar. [ch. 20]
- Rightside - Male tabaxi with tuxedo markings who lives in Elsemar and helps those who need it, however they need it. [ch. 16]
- Ro’qu-ell-a - Female halfing flutist with red hair who entertains at the Broken Spy Glass after Bilwin recommended she ask Tella for a job.
- Skeller - Male tiefling and traveling tinker and locksmith. [ch. 5, ch. 6]
- Thistlewick Brandlestrum - Male gnome owner of The Fizz Hutt, a kombucha shop in Elsemar. [ch. 20]
- Tella - Male human owner of the Broken Spy Glass, an inn and pub in Elsemar and member of the Heart of the People. [ch. 16, ch. 17]
- Torp - Male half-orc and Gven’s older brother. Eight years ago, he began his Coming Out adulthood journey, but hasn’t been heard from since, which is extremely unusual. Gven is searching for him during her own Coming Out journey. [ch. 27, ch. 28]
- Trill - Female human and younger sister of Bonnie, owner of the Buzzin Bee in Wayside. [ch. 5]
- Valindra - Female elven magic-user who lives in an earthmote on the island of Amonah. [ch. 37]
- Vera - Human daughter of Preva and Elar, who was captured by goblins, along with her father, Elar, while out hunting in the forests surrounding Wayside.
- Verin - Aarakocra professor at the University in Elsemar. [ch. 26]
- Veylara - Female storm giant the adventurers meet on their way to Amonah. She has a really big sword that Gven really likes. [ch. 30, ch. 31, ch. 32]
- Wexon - Male gnome assistant chef at Dolly’s Donuts in Elsemar. [ch. 18]
- Whichway - Male tabaxi who owns The Four Corners, a cartography shop in the Scrivener’s Ward of Elsemar. [ch. 23]
- Zarluu - Male human leader of Zarluu’s Magical Menagerie, a traveling animal show. [ch. 15]
Deities, gods, & divinities
- Aish - The god of fire, destruction, and rebirth. [ch.42]
- B’raq (origin) - The god of lightning and
storms, presents as female, loves to create destruction, and hungry
for followers. [ch. 28, ch. 32]
- Gruumsh (aka, Gruumsh One-Eye) - The patron deity of orcs, who regard him as the god of conquest, survival, strength, and territory.
- Hanseath - The dwarven deity of carousing, brewery, and singing, representing the more festive side of the Stout Folk. ch. 32
- Joli (jaa·lee) - The God of Pooping Crows. [ch. 3]
- Sedocra - The Goddess of charity. [ch.26]
- Zimon - The god of the seasons. [ch.42]
Foes, monsters, & creatures
- Chimera - The adventurers first significant challenge, where they slayed a chimera that was troubling one of Ben’s many fields in the area. After this conquest, the group began calling themselves Chimera’s Bane. [ch. 4]
- Chuck - Male bugbear line cook at Waffle Wizards in Food Alley of Elsemar. [ch. 21]
- Davanor - Unknown gender and species, a Damian and person of interest in Torp’s disappearance. [ch. 16, ch. 28]
- Great Mouth [The Great Mouth] - A hill giant who lives in the lower part of the mountain range to the east of Wayside. Local goblin tribes worship him and bring him food and tributes. [ch. 9, ch. 10, ch. 11]
- K’ren - Female tiefling manager of Waffle Wizards in Food Alley of Elsemar. [ch. 21]
- Kraken - A young kraken that attacked the group while sailing the Cracked Crystal Sea from Elsemar to Amonah. [ch.29]
- Picksmack - Magic-using leader of the goblin tribe who captured Elar and Vera, and worshipped The Great Mouth. [ch. 8, ch. 9]
- Squiggy - Male goblin busser at Waffle Wizards in Food Alley of Elsemar. [ch. 21]
- Zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex - Turned to a zombie by yellow musk creepers, a tyrannosaurus Rex attacked the group while travelling the island of Amonah. [ch. 39]
- Chimera’s Bane - Nickname for the primary group of adventurers, previously Mixed Nuts. [ch. 7]
- Eyes of the Star - Magic praticioners who monitor the use of arcane magic throughout the lands, making sure nothing unreasonable occurs. They were formed after The Uprising and always travel with a member of the Hand of the Wand. Their uniform consists of durable leather armor with deep purple cloaks that have large hoods—keeping their faces in the shadows—and conceal their weapons. [ch. 5]
- Damian - Someone who can get you whatever you want, using whatever means are necessary. They typically operate in the gray areas, skirting legalities. Damian, with the root dam, means blood in the Old Language. They collect samples of their employees blood and use their soul and personhood as collateral for any failures. [ch. 17]
- Hand of the Wand - Clerics and priests who monitor the use of faith-based magic throughout the lands, making sure nothing unreasonable occurs. They were formed after The Uprising and always travel with a member of the Eyes of the Star. Their uniform consists of durable leather armor with deep purple cloaks that have large hoods—keeping their faces in the shadows—and conceal their weapons. [ch. 5]
- Heart of the People - Secret group of citizens who monitor the Eyes of the Star and the Hand of the Wand, making certain they act in the best interest of the people. [ch. 18]
- Low Elves - Group of local heroes who reside in the town of Wayside. Members include: Cyndal (leader), Grak, Preet, Cabanna, Magnus, Elve. [ch. 2, [ch. 3], [ch. 4]]
- Mixed Nuts - An impromptu and temporary name for the primary group of adventurers, said in haste when first meeting Cindel and the Low Elves over drinks in the Buzzin Bee. They’re now referred to as Chimera’s Bane. [ch. 2]
- Pride and Comfort - Riders that deliver news and messages across Eritz, known for their dependability and speed. They wear a full-length leather duster over their unassuming dark gray or black uniform and a tricorne hat adorned with a bright silver buckle, matching the one on their belt and their coat buttons. Their horses are renowned for being the fastest, strongest, and having the most endurance of all horses across the land. Because of the danger inherent in their work, riders are well-trained in self-defense and weaponry. Even though a single rider can often handle themselves, the group is acclaimed for its mounted division that provides militaristic support whenever needed. [ch. 5]
- Zarluu’s Magical Menagerie - A traveling animal show, led by Zarluu. [ch. 15]
Shops, inns, & pubs
- Bargain Ben [The Bargain Ben] - Variety shop in Wayside, owned by Ben Dabbler. [ch. 1, ch. 3]
- Broken Spy Glass - Inn and pub in Elsemar, owned by Tella. [ch. 16, ch. 17]
- Buzzin Bee Inn - Inn and pub in Wayside, owned by Bonnie and her younger sister, Trill. [ch. 1, ch. 2, ch. 3, ch. 4, ch. 5]
- Dolly’s Donuts - Donut shop in Food Alley of Elsemar, owned by Dolly. [ch. 19]
- Eclairvoyant’s Tea Shop - Tea shop in Food Alley of Elsemar, owned by Claire. [ch. 20]
- Grinder’s Mill - Flour mill in Elsemar, close to Food Alley and the Docks, owned by Grinder. [ch. 20]
- Iron Vulture - Mid-sized ship docked in Elsemar, captained by Don Karnahge. [ch. 22]
- Job Distribution Center - Helps unsavory-types find work, located in the Sliver burrough of Elsemar. [ch. 16]
- Preva’s Flower Shop - Flower shop in Wayside, owned by Preva, wife of Elar and mother of Vera.
- Scribbles & Nibs - Apothecary shop in Wayside, owned by Halodreth. [ch. 2, ch. 4]
- The Fizz Hutt - A kombucha shop in Food Alley of Elsemar, owned by Thistlewick Brandlestrum. [ch. 20]
- The Four Corners - A cartography shop in the Scrivener’s Ward of Elsemar, owned by Whichway. [ch. 23]
- Waffle Wizards - A diner in Food Alley of Elsemar that specializes in waffles, managed by K’ren. [ch. 20]
- Weigh Anchor - A dive bar by the docks of Elsemar, close to Davanor’s warehouse. Boog is the bartender. [ch. 24]
Landmarks, roads, & trails
- Amonah - A large island among a group in the Cracked Crystal Sea, the western ocean, where the gods live. [ch. 33]
- Big Trail - The large trail from the Ha-derech up to Mount Question, to the west of Wayside. [ch. 2]
- Ha-derech [The Ha-derech] - The main road that runs east-west across the continent of Eritz and connects the two main cities, Mirganor, on the East coast, and Elsemar, on the West coast. Those familiar with history understand the inside joke that ha-darech means “the road” and by calling it “the ha-derech”, unknowing folks are saying “the the road.” [ch. 1]
- Lamayum River - Runs along the Ha-derech west of Wayside for a few days [walking], until turning southward and ending in a large lake.
- Little Trail - The small trail from the Ha-derech up to Mount Question, to the west of Wayside. [ch. 2]
- Lyra’s Grove - A small clearing used for camping and rest by Lyra Swiftarrow. [ch. 7, ch. 9, ch. 10, ch. 11, ch. 14]
- Mount Question - A mountain located close to Wayside, off to the west, towards Elsemar. The local river runs along its lower edges. [ch. 2]
- Other Trail - Trail from the Ha-derech into the forest and foothills, to the east of Wayside. [ch. 2]
- The Broken Heart - The dwarven name for the group of islands where Amonah is located. [ch. 33]
- The Pierced Vale A group of mythical islands off the western coast of Eritz that were colonized after The Conflict by those who refused to give up their religious faith. [ch. 29]
- The Shade - An inhabited area outside the walls of Elsemar, where those who can’t find or afford lodging inside the crowded city live and work. [ch. 16]
Towns, villages, & cities
- Elsemar - The primary city on the west coast of Eritz, accessible by The Ha-derech. Commonly
referred to as Pride of the Coast and City of Gates. Before The Conflict, Elsemar was
the center of the religious orders, where the leaders lived, held congress amongst each other,
and taught their faith-based magic.
The city is divided into burroughs, each one with multiple gates separating it from the others,
remnants from The Conflict. The following are burroughs and areas of interest within the
city. [ch. 16]
- Docks
- Hall of Records
- Market
- Scrivener’s Ward
- Sliver
- Eritz - The largest continent on the world of Olam, where the adventurers are journeying.
- Mirganor - The primary city on the east coast of Eritz, accessible by The Ha-derech. Before The Conflict, Mirganor was the center of the arcane orders, where the leaders lived, held congress amongst each other, and taught their arcane-based magic.
- Olam - The world which contains the continent of Eritz, among others.
- Quiet Valley - The area where Wayside is located, within the Unmarked Territories.
- Unmarked Territories - A rural area that is known for its lush forests and quaint villages and is 6-7 days walk east from Elsemar.
- Wayside - Small village on The Ha-derech that is about 7 days walk east from Elsemar, in
The Quiet Valley, an area of the Unmarked Territories.
- Bracelet of Diffusion - One given to each group member by Tella, on behalf of the Heart of the People. [ch. 18]
- Gleaming Blade - Dolor’s shortsword, acquired during their encounter with the goblins
who were holding Elar prisoner in caves outside of Wayside. It was originally wielded by a Paladin
in their quest for honor and glory. [ch. 9]
- Gives +1 to armor class (AC).
- Resistance to radiant damage.
- On a critical hit (rolling a natural 20) it emits a radiant glow where the target must roll a constitution saving throw or become blinded until their next turn.
- Potion of Luminous Vitality - This potion is a swirling mixture of iridescent liquid, shifting
through various radiant colors. It emits a soft, soothing glow that illuminates the area around it
when held. The potion’s container seems to shimmer with a faint energy. [ch. 15]
- Effect: When consumed, the drinker gains temporary hit points equal to 3d8 + their Constitution modifier. Additionally, for the next minute, the drinker emits a bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Any hostile creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the drinker takes 1d4 radiant damage as the radiant energy emanates from their presence.
- Tempest Edge - Gven’s greatsword, gifted to her by the storm giant, Veylara. It was the giant’s
5-1/2 foot long dagger and sister to her blue-tinted greatsword that Gven will be called upon to
return someday. [ch. 32]
- Once a day, as a bonus action, the blade can channel the power of storms with +1d6 of lightning damage.
- Resistance to lightning damage.
- On a critical hit (rolling a natural 20) it emits a deafening Thunderclap that causes an additional 1d6 damage and deafens the target and all enemy combatants within 10 feet until their next turn, unless they make a DC 13 constitution saving roll.
- Hero’s Wort - A plant created and farmed by Ben in the countryside around Wayside. It has a stalk similar to corn and large tobacco-like leaves that drape over themselves. When inhaled the recipient gains +3 to proficiencies for 1 round, not including attacks. [ch. 4]