Chapter 35
Leaving the small pirate’s cove behind them, Dolor leads the way into the jungle swinging a machete to open up the narrow path. Bilwin follows closely behind, still savoring the flavor of Boscoe’s brew—with which he has conveniently filled his magical stein. Mond is entranced by their surroundings, captivated by the plethora of sights and sounds vying for his attention. As a Circle of the Land druid, Grindlefoot barely even notices the path, moving deftly through the thick vegetation as though it were an open field of pleasant flowers. Bringing up the rear, Gven keeps one hand on Tempest Edge’s hilt and the other catching the thin branches and vines that attack her face, snapping back into their regular position after kindly making way for Grindlefoot passing in front of her.
The dense jungle vegetation encroaches on the barely visible trail that winds northward towards their destination, the mountainside temple. The sunlight drips through the thick canopy of leaves and branches over their heads, casting more shadows than light. Lush ferns and lengthly vines choke the undergrowth, completely covering the path at various points. The air is thick with the smells of sweet berries—that they dare not eat—and the damp earth below their feet. Screeches and bellows fill the air, a wild chorus of animals they can only imagine because they’re camouflaged by the surrounding plants.
After a few hours of slowly moving northward, Dolor catches a scent in the air and Bilwin recognizes it as fresh blood. Moving cautiously, the tiefling and dwarf enter a small space where the ground cover and plants are trampled. They see a large animal’s bloody carcasse lying there, obviously having been very recently killed. Mond walks into the area just as they hear rustling in the bushes and a very large lizard comes crashing in. The twenty-foot tall tyrannosaurus rex sees the adventurers and gives a tremendous roar, staking its claim to the prey before them.
Fight choreography
- Mond - Casts his signature pink Lightning Bolt at the creature, causing 30 damage.
- T-rex - Bites Mond for 41 piercing damage, then swings its tail at Bilwin for 18 bludgeoning damage.
- Bilwin attempts to harness his luck, but fails to prevent the damage.
- Gven - Enables her Barbarian rage while advancing from the edge of the clearing. She swings Tempest Edge at the giant reptile, connecting on her first swing but unable to pierce the skin, and then causing 16 damage with her backswing.
- Bilwin - Calls for help from Hanseath and Blesses everyone (1d4 to any attack or save).
- Dolor - Moves closer to Gven (to gain advantage on melee attacks while she’s raging) and attacks with Gleaming Blade for 11 piercing damage.
- Grindlefoot - Casts Conjure Animals and the group hears thundering hoofbeats approaching them through the jungle.
- Mond - Casts another pink Lightning Bolt
at the creature for 29 damage.
- He quickly swigs a healing potion, regaining 8 health.
- T-rex - Bites the last one to attack it, Dolor, for 19 damage.
- Dolor reacts with Hellish Rebuke for 16 damage to the T-rex.
- Lashes its tail at Gven, causing 10 bludgeoning damage.
- Gven - Swings Tempest Edge with a fury, connecting twice for 9 and 15 in damage.
- Suddenly a humongous pink rhinocerous emerges from the jungle, running straight at the reptile and rams it with its horn, knocking the T-rex prone and killing it. With a huff of breath, the rhino continues off into the jungle beyond the clearing, charging ahead and leaving a trail of glittery dust behind it.
Grindlefoot quickly decides to have the magical rhinocerous run towards the mountain temple, breaking a trail for the group. They follow the trail, getting occasional glimpses of the pink rhino and its voluminous puffs of gilttery farts. After an hour, the magical animal disappears and they reach the end of its trail shortly afterwards.
Being close to night time, they decide to look for a safe place to make camp. Because Grindlefoot is an Outlander druid, he uses his Wanderer skills to find a small glade with fresh water and room enough for them to rest. Not wanting to share their bedrolls with the insects and other small animals on the ground, they decide to rig hammocks by hanging their tents from the trees.
During the third watch, Dolor hears a ‘fooomp’ from the brush. It happens again, ‘fooomp’, and then again, ‘fooomp’, when suddenly several tiny blue luminescent humanoid creatures appear. There must be a dozen of them, at least that he can see, no taller than the length of one of his hands. They’re curious, poking around the backpacks, silently taking stock of what they can see, but not absconding with anything. One appears to be particularly enamored with Tempest Edge, still in it’s scabbard and laying next to Gven, whose hand rests on the hilt. The small creature slides it out a little bit, just enough so that they can see the glimmering blue blade and a look of awe crosses its face before it slides the sword back into place.
One of them scurries up towards Dolor, only a few feet away from him, where he can see that its body is covered in tiny little geometric designs, similar to tattoos. Looking at the tiny fae creature, he attempts to communicate in several languages but doesn’t receive any responses. He offers the small being a tiny morsel from his rations, but it’s ignored. They merely stare at Dolor with a look of mild interest. About ten to fifteen minutes after they appeared and began curiously investigating, they just as suddenly decide to leave. The last remaining fae is the one that Dolor attempted to communicate with and they give a slight nod of their head before quickly disappearing into the jungle vegetation.
“Well, I wonder what that was all about?”
Long rest….