Upload/Backup your files to Amazon S3 with Powershell

       10 minute read

Before reading…

  • Target Audience: This article is written for developers with beginner to intermediate experience. They are familiar with the tenets of software development and PowerShell. They are new to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Simple Storage Service (S3).
  • Scenario: Assuming the developer is new to AWS, the document uses a conversational tone to take them through an end-to-end scenario. It gets them started with the various Amazon Web Services and provides step-by-step details for authoring the PowerShell script.
  • Sources: I wrote 100% of the content, including samples and PowerShell code, without an editor providing input. The information was derived from various Amazon documentation, pulled together to be a cohesive set of end-to-end instructions.

…and here’s the sample.

The ability to script important tasks allows IT professionals to be efficient and effective in their tasks. Backing up important files to the cloud or triggering the upload of new files to your site are critical functions that can be scripted to improve efficiency and make the processes resilient.

In this document, you’ll learn how to upload files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) using PowerShell. You’ll create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account that will allow you to manage AWS users and groups via Identity and Access Management (IAM) as well as work with S3 buckets and folders. After installing the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, you’ll configure the prerequisites for connecting to AWS via PowerShell. And finally, you’ll use PowerShell to recursively iterate through directories to upload files to S3.

If you’re new to Amazon S3 and need to start from scratch, this is a beginning-to-end walkthrough of how to upload your files to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) using PowerShell.

A breakdown of the process (detailed steps are further below):

  1. Create an Amazon account to access Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    a. You can try most of the AWS services for free for a year.

  2. Create a user and group via Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) to perform the backup/upload

  3. Create a bucket in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) to hold your files

  4. Install AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell, which contains the modules needed to access AWS

  5. Open PowerShell and configure prerequisite settings

  6. Write a PowerShell script that copies files from your local computer to the Amazon S3 bucket you previously created

    a. The script will use the credentials of the backup user created.

    b. The script will be a PowerShell framework script to get you started.

This tutorial will get you up and running with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and a PowerShell script that uploads files. Once this framework script is in place, you can add to the logic making it as specific or complex as necessary for your situation.

1. Create an Amazon root account

Amazon has made this simple. Navigate to Amazon AWS and select “Create a Free Account.” Follow the steps outlined.

If you already have an account with Amazon for consumer purchases, you can use this for a single logon identity. I recommend using Multi-Factor Authentication with your AWS Root account to provide an additional layer of security.

To kick the tires on AWS without hitting your pocket book, select the free for a year option and get some experience under your belt.

2. Create a user and group

To access the AWS services, create a group and user account via IAM. Keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Follow IAM’s Best Practices for user and group management
  • Create a group to backup/upload files with the appropriate permissions
  • Create a user for accessing S3 during the backup/upload from PowerShell

You can find detailed instructions for how to create an account and group in the video titled “Getting Started with AWS Identity and Access Management” at IAM’s Getting Started. The following is a synopsis.

  1. Login to AWS Management Console with your Root account or an Administrator account (if you created a separate one)
    • Navigate to Amazon AWS -> select My Account in the top right -> select AWS Management Console from the drop-down list
  2. Create a group with access to S3 buckets called S3BackupOperators
    • Set permissions for this group to AmazonS3FullAccess so that members have the necessary access and permissions to perform backups/uploads.
  3. Create a user for accessing the S3 buckets called backupOperator
    • Add this user to the S3BackupOperators group, from which they will inherit the permissions they need to write files to the S3 buckets.
  4. Generate Access Keys for the user
    • In order to access the Amazon S3 buckets via PowerShell, your IAM user (backupOperator) will need both an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key (to specify in the PowerShell script for authentication).
    • To create an access key, log into the AWS Management Console and:
      1. Select Users
      2. Select the user name previously created
      3. Scroll down and select Create Access Key
      4. Be sure to write down or save the Access Keys created

3. Create a bucket in S3

You will need an Amazon S3 bucket to hold your files, which is analogous to a directory/folder on your local computer. More information can be found at Working with Amazon S3 Buckets.

Follow the instructions at Create a Bucket and name it something relevant, such as Backups.

Note: Because the AmazonS3FullAccess policy was applied to the S3BackupOperators group, members of that group have add/delete permissions to your S3 buckets. If you would like to further restrict access for that group to only the Backups bucket, review the documentation at Managing Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources.

4. Install AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

Amazon has written a PowerShell module that allows you to interact with Amazon Web Services remotely via PowerShell scripts. Download AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to your Windows PC and follow the installation instructions.

For further details, read Setting up the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell.

Note: You will need to enable script execution each time you open the PowerShell prompt, which requires administrator privileges. How to do this is detailed further below.

5. Open PowerShell and configure prerequisite settings

There are a few caveats for using PowerShell with AWS.

Select which PowerShell prompt to use

There are two PowerShell prompts you can use with slightly different requirements to get started.

  1. Windows PowerShell that comes with Windows by default
  2. Windows PowerShell for AWS, which is installed with AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell

For both PowerShell prompts, you will need to enable script execution, as outlined in Setting up the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell. Be sure to open the prompt as an administrator then run Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.

Enable script execution for PowerShell

Import AWSPowerShell module

You might need to import the AWSPowerShell modele, depending on which PowerShell prompt you use.

When using the Windows PowerShell for AWS prompt, the AWSPowerShell module is automatically imported and the Initialize-AWSDefaults cmdlet run for you, allowing you to begin working with the AWS PowerShell Cmdlets immediately.

When using the default Windows PowerShell prompt, you will need to manually import the AWSPowerShell module and run the Initialize-AWSDefaultscmdlet using the following commands.

PS C:\> Import-Module C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\PowerShell\AWSPowerShell\AWSPowerShell.psd1
PS C:\> Initialize-AWSDefaults

Import the AWSPowerShell module

6. PowerShell script to upload/backup files to Amazon S3

The previous steps prepared you to copy files from your computer to Amazon S3 using PowerShell.

The full script will be shown at the end of this document. Meanwhile, let’s step through the sections of the script.

6.A. Set constant variables

First, set the constant variables that will be used in the script.

Variable Description Value (Example)
$accessKeyID The Access Key ID for the backupOperator user EXAMPLEDXLAW52MZCGIA
$secretAccessKey The Secret Access Key for the backupOperator user examplekfLK2c8NCFjlhhjxvYBxJwPkli1HosK4F
$config AmazonS3Config object to hold configuration options, such as RegionEndpoint and ServiceURL These depend on your AWS account settings. In this example, the account uses the US-WEST-2 region endpoint.
RegionEndpoint = us-west-2
ServiceURL = https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

Note: To find out which Region your account is using, login to the AWS Management Console and note the Region specified in the URL. The following example uses US-WEST-2: https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/console/home?nc2=h_m_mc&region=us-west-2#

Commands to set the user’s Key variables (using the Access Keys previously generated) and to instantiate the AmazonS3Config object to hold the RegionEndpoint and ServiceURL values:

$config=New-Object Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Config
$config.ServiceURL = https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

6.B. Create AmazonS3Client object

In this step, you will instantiate an AmazonS3Client object. It will use the permissions and access keys granted to the backupOperator user, based on the variables created in the previous step. The AmazonS3Client object also requires the previously created AmazonS3Config object to interact with your Amazon S3 buckets.

Instantiate the AmazonS3Client object:


6.C. Upload/backup files via PowerShell

With PowerShell, you have several options for uploading your files.

  • Copy specific files from a single folder or multiple directories.
  • Copy all files in a directory without including subdirectories.
  • Copy a directory and its subdirectories, by iterating through the subdirectories with PowerShell.

Copy specific files

To copy specific files, use the following commands.

Write-S3Object -BucketName Backups -File C:\Documents\Business\FinancialReports.xlsx -Key /Documents/Business/FinancialReports.xlsx

Write-S3Object -BucketName Backups -File C:\Pictures\Business Logos\logo.jpg -Key /Pictures/Business Logos/logo.jpg

Note: See the Write-S3Object Cmdlet documentation for more information.

Copy all files in a directory

To copy all the files in a directory, use the following command.

Write-S3Object -BucketName Backups -Folder C:\Pictures\Family -KeyPrefix /Pictures/Family

Note: See the Write-S3Object Cmdlet documentation for more information.

Copy a directory and subdirectories

To copy a directory and the subdirectories, use the following function to iterate through the subdirectories recursively.

function RecurseFolders([string]$path) {

  $fc = New-Object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject
  $folder = $fc.GetFolder($path)

  # Iterate through subfolders
  foreach ($i in $folder.SubFolders) {
    $thisFolder = $i.Path

    # Transform the local directory path to notation compatible with S3 Buckets and Folders
    # 1. Trim off the drive letter and colon from the start of the Path
    $s3Path = $thisFolder.ToString()
    $s3Path = $s3Path.SubString(2)
    # 2. Replace back-slashes with forward-slashes
    # Escape the back-slash special character with a back-slash so that it reads it literally, like so: "\\"
    $s3Path = $s3Path -replace "\\", "/"

    # Upload directory to S3
    Write-S3Object -BucketName Backups -Folder $thisFolder -KeyPrefix $s3Path

  # If subfolders exist in the current folder, then iterate through them too
  foreach ($i in $folder.subfolders) {

6.D. Full PowerShell script

The following is a full PowerShell script that will backup/upload a directory (including all subdirectories) from your local computer to an Amazon S3 Bucket.

# Constants
$sourceDrive = "C:\"
$sourceFolder = "ImportantFiles"
$sourcePath = $sourceDrive + $sourceFolder
$s3Bucket = "Backups"
$s3Folder = "Archive"

# Constants – Amazon S3 Credentials

# Constants – Amazon S3 Configuration
$config=New-Object Amazon.S3.AmazonS3Config
$config.ServiceURL = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/"

# Instantiate the AmazonS3Client object

# FUNCTION – Iterate through subfolders and upload files to S3
function RecurseFolders([string]$path) {
  $fc = New-Object -com Scripting.FileSystemObject
  $folder = $fc.GetFolder($path)
  foreach ($i in $folder.SubFolders) {
    $thisFolder = $i.Path

    # Transform the local directory path to notation compatible with S3 Buckets and Folders
    # 1. Trim off the drive letter and colon from the start of the Path
    $s3Path = $thisFolder.ToString()
    $s3Path = $s3Path.SubString(2)
    # 2. Replace back-slashes with forward-slashes
    # Escape the back-slash special character with a back-slash so that it reads it literally, like so: "\\"
    $s3Path = $s3Path -replace "\\", "/"
    $s3Path = "/" + $s3Folder + $s3Path

    # Upload directory to S3
    Write-S3Object -BucketName $s3Bucket -Folder $thisFolder -KeyPrefix $s3Path

  # If subfolders exist in the current folder, then iterate through them too
  foreach ($i in $folder.subfolders) {

# Upload root directory files to S3
$s3Path = "/" + $s3Folder + "/" + $sourceFolder
Write-S3Object -BucketName $s3Bucket -Folder $sourcePath -KeyPrefix $s3Path

# Upload subdirectories to S3


As stated in the beginning of this article, the purpose of this tutorial is to get you up and running from scratch with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and a PowerShell script that uploads files.

Through this process you:

  1. Created an Amazon AWS account
  2. Learned how to create and manage AWS users and groups via IAM
  3. Learned how to manage permissions for a group, scoping them based on their role
  4. Created a S3 bucket and configured permissions through an IAM group
  5. Experienced how to configure AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell
  6. Discovered the prerequisites for connecting to AWS via PowerShell
  7. Learned how to use the Write-S3Object cmdlet to upload files to S3 buckets
  8. Saw how to iterate through folders and subfolders recursively with PowerShell
  9. Saw how to change the local folder path format to work with S3 folder format

With this framework in place, you can expand the script to do a number of other things. Such as run once per day with a scheduled task (automate to improve efficiency), delete old folders/files from S3 as they’re no longer used (reducing your S3 storage cost), or only upload new/changed files to S3 (reducing your data transfer cost).

