Reading list
Books I’ve read, ordered chronologically. See my top reads from 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019.
I’ve always been a reader, mostly voracious and other times…not so much (parenthood will do that to you). I finally started keeping track of what I was reading after one-too-many times where I bought a book, got a few chapters in, and realized I had already read it years before. Oops. Here’s the list, going all the way back to 2011.
- Books I really enjoyed are marked with two plus signs. ++
- Graphic novels & comics are italicized.
- Books I didn’t finish are marked as abandoned.
I also use Goodreads.
- Still Just Another Geek, by Wil Wheaton
I'm a big fan of Wil Wheaton...
I'm a big fan of Wil Wheaton, both as an actor/writer/celebrity and a person. Stand By Me and The Next Generation are nostalgic joys, leading the arch rival gang of nerds in The Guild was epic geekdom, and seeing him play his evil twin on Big Bang Theory was comic genius. He's an OG blogger at Wil Wheaton dot Net, having started way before it was on any other famous person's mind, let alone the concepts of being a social influencer or owning your brand through social media. Along the way, he's always tried to be authentic and connect with sincerity, going so far as to let us in on the times of growth, even when they were embarrassing. I say all this as a preface to my thoughts on his memoir.
The stories are interesting, his writing voice is casual and comforting, his insights over time reflect his humility, and I applaud his courage to be so honest with his faults and trip-ups along the way. My only gripe is with the annotations and, unfortunately, they almost caused me to abandon the book. They're extremely frequent and often trivial in nature. Most of them (60-70%) don't substantially add to the tales being told. In fact, they pull the reader out of the stories, making it difficult to keep the train of thought or sentiment being developed. It's like being constantly interrupted by someone sitting next to you while you're trying to read. What really makes this an issue is that some of the annotations are valuable and add to the story, which made me feel obligated to read every single one. I didn't want to miss the good ones, even though roughly 2/3 of them were completely skippable. I still enjoyed the book, but not as much as I'd hoped to. - James, by Percival Everett ++
Not at all what I was expecting...
Not at all what I was expecting, but I love how Percival Everett turns the story of Jim from Huckleberry Finn on its head. The author spins an intriguing yarn with plenty of depth and character to keep you reading well into the night, past your bedtime. - Friday (Book Two): On a Cold Winter’s Night, by Ed Brubaker, Marcos Martin, & Muntsa Vicente
Worth the slowish burn...
Worth the slowish burn, this series didn't exactly excite me from the start, but I enjoyed it enough to keep reading and it paid off in the end. The first and second books are enjoyable, but the third book is where it all comes together with some unexpected plot twists. Martin's art expresses the scenes with clarity and succinctness, making the story easy to follow—something that isn't always the case with graphic novels.
I picked up the first book at The Comix Shop in Basel, Switzerland, where the staff were exceptionally kind and knowledgeable, helping us traveling Americans find comics that we'd enjoy. - Friday (Book Three): Christmas Time Is Here Again, by Ed Brubaker, Marcos Martin, & Muntsa Vicente ++
Worth the slowish burn...
Worth the slowish burn, this series didn't exactly excite me from the start, but I enjoyed it enough to keep reading and it paid off in the end. The first and second books are enjoyable, but the third book is where it all comes together with some unexpected plot twists. Martin's art expresses the scenes with clarity and succinctness, making the story easy to follow—something that isn't always the case with graphic novels.
I picked up the first book at The Comix Shop in Basel, Switzerland, where the staff were exceptionally kind and knowledgeable, helping us traveling Americans find comics that we'd enjoy. - The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 2: Fandemonium, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie
An interesting concept...
An interesting concept, but after reading two volumes the story failed to pull me in and I stopped reading the series.
I picked up the first book at The Comix Shop in Basel, Switzerland, where the staff were exceptionally kind and knowledgeable, helping us traveling Americans find comics that we'd enjoy. - Redshirts, by John Scalzi ++
- The Nice House on the Lake: The Deluxe Edition, by James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martínez, & Jordie Bellaire ++
An interesting twist in a post-apocalyptic...
An interesting twist in a post-apocalyptic setting that gets more and more intriguing as you go through the volumes (chapters). Tynion presents each volume from the perspective of a single character while maintaining the overarching story's continuity. It's a compelling way to expand the character arcs and provide a different viewpoint of the tale. The art is beautifully done, giving just enough of a creepy/horror vibe to convey the post-apocalyptic experience. - Freedom Is a Constant Struggle, by Angela Y. Davis
Davis' strong passions are evident...
Davis' strong passions are evident in the interviews, which are chock-full of her interesting perspectives on different struggles for freedoms around the world (Palestine, prison abolition, feminism, civil/equal rights, and more). About a third of the way through the book, the questions and ideas became repetetive, making it a bit of a slog to get through. Regardless, the questions posed to Davis were thought-provoking and I appreciate that it helped me consider questions and perspectives I hadn't previously. - Black Magic: What Black Leaders Learned from Trauma and Triumph, by Chad Sanders
- The World Record Book of Racist Stories, by Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar ++
More hilariously maddening racist experiences...
More hilariously maddening racist experiences from the authors, their family, and friends. Let me be clear, the stories are maddening examples of racism that they regularly experience—yes, even now in the 2020's—and the hilarity comes from their commentary. Similar to their first book, You'll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey, the stories will have you cringing in exasperation while appreciating the sisters pragmatic and comedic approach to relating them.
This seems to bear repeating: For the love of whatever deity you worship,please stop touching Black women's hair ! If you think it looks nice, then compliment the person—and nothing else . Don't ask if they wash it (of course, they do). Don't ask if it's coarse like steel wool (of course, it's not). Don't ask them anything. Give them your compliment, smile, and shut up. - The Light We Carry, by Michelle Obama
~ ~ ~
See my top reads from 2024.
- Subpar Parks, by Amber Share ++
Not what I expected...
Not what I expected, but an enjoyable and informative read with an artist's unique take on the poor (low-star) reviews. First of all, I really enjoy the artist's minimalist, two-dimensional style—it's an aesthetic that I appreciate and Amber Share does it well. Regarding my expectations, I thought the book would be a sarcastic, comedic lambasting of the bad reviews. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the author keeps the sarcasm to a minimum and puts their energy into a brief (one-to-two-page) description of each of the national parks. Share discusses each park's history, origination, indigenous peoples, highlights to look for when visiting, tips and tricks—such as alternatives to the popular crowded areas—and recommendations from the local rangers. The author readily admits that the book is not a thorough guide and advises readers to do their homework before visiting—emphasizing this repeatedly. All in all, Subpar Parks is a lovely introduction to the national parks available in the U.S.!
You can find more of Amber's work at and excerpts from the book on Instagram. - Making Learning Whole, by David Perkins
- Be Useful, by Arnold Schwarzenegger (abandoned)
It was interesting, but not enough so to keep me engaged...
It was interesting, but not enough so to keep me engaged (I stopped reading at 20%). His writing is casual and comfortable. It's easy to hear it in his unique voice and feel like he's sitting next to you, sharing the wisdom earned over his 76 years. It's all valuable stuff, just not anything I need at this stage in my life; they're lessons I've already lived through. For many, I'm sure this will be a great read, but for me it wasn't...useful. - Laws of Annilihation (Martyr Maker #3), by Eriq La Salle
Third in the series...
Third in the series, Eriq La Salle throws a few curveballs into the longer story arc while maintaining the grittiness of these police procedurals. It takes a different direction from what I anticipated at the end of Laws of Wrath, but he deftly ties it together at the end, setting up the next book. While the crimes can be gruesome, the protagonists are interesting, the investigations are intriguing, and the story keeps you engaged. - Crucial Conversations, by Al Switzler, Emily Gregory, Ron McMillan, Kerry Patterson, & Joseph Grenny
Insightful [not so] common sense...
Insightful [not so] common sense that boils down successful crucial conversations to the free flow of information. Safety is the key to doing this and when we feel unsafe or threatened, we often resort to silence or violence. With silence, we're so shocked or upset we don't know what to do or say. With violent responses, we're so mad or angry that we lash out. I can relate to both.
Crucial Conversation (krōō shel kän`ver sa` shen) - n. A discussion between two or more people where (1) stakes are high, (2) opinions vary, and (3) emotions run strong.
The authors have provided a well-organized and fairly succinct process for readers to follow. They walk the reader through how to focus on what you really want, notice when safety is at risk, sincerely help participants—including yourself—return to a feeling of safety, speak persuasively in these interactions, and turn them into actions and results.
It's a fairly quick read and I can see myself revisiting it in the future to refresh my memory and reinforce the lessons. - Upgrade, by Blake Crouch ++
A fast-paced, action-packed, twisty-plot sci-fi...
A fast-paced, action-packed, twisty-plot sci-fi novel set ~50 years in the future. It's a fun, exciting, and sometimes thought-provoking story that kept me turning the pages.
I received this book from a co-worker for Jólabókaflóð (yule book flood), a charming Icelandic tradition of giving books as gifts, opening them on Christmas Eve, and settling in to read them together, ideally with hot chocolate or other warm wintry drink. - Exit Interview, by Kristi Coulter ++
Morbid curiosity drove me...
Morbid curiosity drove me to read this and Coulter's witty, insightful commentary captivated me as I watched the proverbial train wreck unfold. I've been working in the Seattle tech community since 1999 and have heard plenty of horror stories about Amazon from friends and associates. This was a front row seat to Kristi's 12 years of experiences at Amazon and how they impacted all aspects of her life.
Coulter is a wonderful writer. She's snarky, witty, and irreverent, but it's her authenticity and sincerity that pull it all together so well. So many excellently hilarious quotes—especially for those of us who live in Seattle or work in technology!
"The beginning of the process of backing the Jetta out of the driveway. The house is on a busy street [in Ravenna] and it's as if all the other drivers took a blood oath that I can go fuck myself."
One thing that struck me was how much Amazon relies on employees' insecurities and sense of imposter syndrome 1 to foster an inequitable and unrealistic culture. The culture demands overachieving, equating it with success; anything less is considered failure in the eyes of managers and peers, even if you meet the expectations of your job. If you're not striving towards promotion, reaching that next level, going above and beyond mere expectations then the implication is that you're not good enough to be there. You're taking up space that could be filled by someone who is more competent. Nobody really says it out loud or to your face, but it's a result of the system and culture.
To be honest, this overachieving attitude is rampant in the tech industry. I've experienced it throughout my career (the experience depends heavily on your management and organization), but according to Coulter's description they turn it up to eleven at Amazon and it's a clusterfuck.
"I understand that at Amazon normal human limits are an embarrassing affliction like IBS or erectile dysfunction, not to be discussed in public."
"Amazon didn’t create our yearning for recognition, but it exploits it for maximum return by holding the rat pellet just out of reach and then frowning on any rat who looks hungry."
I truly appreciate that Coulter highlights her experience as a woman, something she could have easily foregone in an attempt to be more palatable. She encountered all of the misogynistic and sexist tropes you'd expect, plus a few you wouldn't. Her descriptions are sobering yet hilarious lessons for any man who happens to be paying attention.
"It took me a couple of months to notice something lumpy about Amazon’s demographics. When I’m in a room with people beneath me in level, like the merchandisers, a solid third of them are women. But when I’m with my peers or senior leaders, men usually outnumber women at least three to one. And if it’s a meeting of developers and other tech employees, it’s a brofest at all levels. Both my ceiling and my floor are made of glass."
"Just three Gen X women scrambling to make it clear that we would never make waves over a harmless workplace cum-ingestion joke, but these kids today: they’re soft; we must protect them."
This is a witty and relatable memoir about hating your job while also feeling compelled to pursue superhuman unrealistic expectations.
1Interesting note, "imposter syndrome" was originally described as "imposter phenomenon" by Dr. Pauline Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes in their 1978 research paper, The Imposter Phenomenon in High Achieving Women. - Spectators, by Brian K. Vaughan, Niko Henrichon, & Steven Finch (aka Fonografiks)
This graphic novel may not...
"This graphic novel may not be for you!" A warning from the author, Brian K. Vaughan, that is certainly true. The concept is intriguing: some people hang around in spectral form after they die and watch the living, nothing else, only watch. They're spectators. The story is viscerally violent in some moments (sometimes a bit much for me) and extremely sexual in others, while delving into what happens to society in the nearish future (~50 years).
Spectators focuses mostly on the twisted folks and that should give you a hint of what to expect. I like Henrichon's art, which has a strong sketch-like quality to it for this title. Vaughan is one of my favorite graphic novelists (Saga, Paper Girls, and Y: The Last Man) and that was enough for me to give this a try. The story is available for free online and released weekly by the creators at I'll keep reading it and see where it goes, but it's also one that I might drop at some point before they wrap it up. - Love, Pamela, by Pamela Anderson ++
Being only three years younger...
Being only three years younger than Anderson, I witnessed her take the world by storm: Playboy, Home Improvement, Baywatch (mostly through Joey and Chandler on Friends), Tommy Lee, PETA, and more. She's an icon from my early adulthood and hearing that she had written a memoir peaked my curiosity.
What I love about well written memoirs is not only hearing the person's story, but learning about their motivations and interests, the impact of their experiences, and thoughtful introspection years later. Those are the things that resonate with me as a reader. Anderson delivers them in a unique writing style that is approachable, candid, succinct, authentic, humble, and poetic.
Insecurity runs rampant through her story, even after she became a household name, and she takes the time to explain how it impacted her choices while also accepting responsibility for her decisions. She doesn't place the blame on others or use her insecurity as an excuse, rather as a means to help the reader understand her state of mind in many of those moments.
I learned a lot about Pamela, but here are some that stood out: she has a photographic memory; she's an avid reader of many genres, including philosophy, art, sociology, relationships, and spirituality; she's a philosopher with an introspective focus, looking inward for how to be a better person; when on location or traveling she always quietly visits local museums alone, without any fanfare; she regrets her breast augmentation; she didn't pursue fame, rather relationships and opportunities that stirred her passions; she's been a vegetarian/vegan since she was 6 or 7 years old; she writes poetry almost every day; she originally meant for this memoir to be written entirely in poetry (thankfully her editor convinced her to "add full sentences and paragraphs").
I went in with only my curiosity, no expectations, and it turned out to be much better than I anticipated. Regardless of the controversies surrounding her over the years, I respect the path she's travelled and thoroughly enjoyed reading her story.
"As crooked as the path was, I was learning and growing, thorns and all." - The Boys in the Boat, by Daniel James Brown
Circumstances create opportunities...
Circumstances create opportunities, which is what happened when the author discovered their elderly neighbor was a gold medal rower for the U.S.A. in the 1936 Olympics. I never anticipated being drawn into a book about eight young men rowing crew at the University of Washington (locally called U-Dub) in the early 1930's, and yet it pulled me in like quicksand. It's a fascinating tale about the unique comradery of a tight-knit team wrapped around the biography of a boy who suffered hardships, loss, and abandonment—all before the age of 15.
The pacing starts off a tad slow, but soon picked up to a comfortable cadence that kept me eager for the next page and chapter. Brown brings Joe's story to life, feeds your imagination all the details from his expansive research in ways that allow you to feel present in the moments from almost a century ago. As a Seattleite for over 25 years, it was fascinating to read references to local events, buildings, neighborhoods, and well-known people (like Royal Brougham). As a lifelong sports player and enthusiast, Brown aptly portrays the bonds of teammates brought through trials, conflicts, losses, and triumphs.
As a side note, it was interesting to see how the events in Joe's life correlated to the timeline of Hitler's rise to power and his manipulation of the world by hosting the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. I was glad to see this impactful thread of the story revealed early and carried throughout the whole book, culminating in the 1936 Olympic games.
Admittedly, I saw the 2023 movie before reading the book and I'm glad it happened in that order. Seeing the movie first allowed me to enjoy it without any judgmental comparison to the book. Reading the book after seeing the movie gave me time to reflect on the differences and appreciate the artistic choices for the translation to the big screen. - I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, by Austin Channing Brown ++
Powerful messages from a Black woman's lived experience...
Powerful messages from a Black woman's lived experience (in the U.S.), here for you to digest and absorb at your own pace. Austin Channing Brown is a wonderful writer, deftly correlating her personal stories to larger systemic issues. She covers a wide variety of her encounters, occurrences, and trials that span school, religion, work, age, and more. While the topics and stories can be challenging for those of us who are white, such as her chapters on white fragility and nice white people, open your mind, focus on empathy, and embrace it as a learning opportunity. We can—and must—do better.
It was particularly interesting to hear how her childhood in a middle class, Christian, Black family in the Midwest surrounded by white communities (at school, church, and socially) shaped her perspectives. She had many of the stereotypical benefits, such as family and financial stability, well-funded schools, and access to university-level education. Yet she was immersed in white culture that emphasized her membership in the out-group (not white) and limited her exposure to many aspects of Black culture. She goes on to discuss how this affected her at later stages in life and the personal growth she experienced.
"Instead of offering empathy and action, whiteness finds new names for me and offers ominous advice. I am too sensitive, and should be careful with what I report. I am too angry, and should watch my tone when I talk about my experiences. I am too inflexible, and should learn to offer more grace to people who are really trying."
Before you ask your Black friend about their traumatic stories—yes, they most likely have them—settle in and absorb Austin Channing Brown's experiences. - The 1619 Project, created & edited by Nikole Hannah-Jones ++
Educational, informative, enlightening...
Educational, informative, enlightening, and mind-blowing! Through a series of thoroughly researched and exceptionally well-written essays by several authors, Nikole Hannah-Jones has curated almost 600 pages detailing how the United States' deplorable history of enslavement reaches its dirty tendrils into every nook and cranny of modern society, culture, politics, capitalism, religion, and our democracy. It's lengthy, so I recommend reading it one essay at a time and allowing yourself to digest the information as you go. It's a lot to take in, especially for those of us who are learning much of it for the first time. - The Untamed (Book 1): A Sinner’s Prayer, by Sebastian A. Jones, Peter Bergting, & Darrell May
Bought this on a whim at Emerald City Comic Con...
Bought this on a whim at Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC) after a pitch from Quincy at the Stranger Comics booth. The story sounded like an epic fantasy, with interesting characters that intertwine through multiple experiences in a vast world. I was also glad to see a Black woman as the protagonist, something you don't see often, if ever really, in the world of fantasy books and comics. Plus, I was supporting an author and artists who decided to do it themselves, maintaining control and ownership over their intellectual property. All that meant, sign me up!
The art is beautifully crafted, with a sense of etherealness, and the two main characters, Stranger and Niobe, obviously have interesting depths to plumb. Unfortunately, it didn't land with me quite as solidly as I'd hoped it would.
Regarding the art, the panels and colors chosen are exceptionally dark with little contrast, making it difficult to follow the non-verbal actions of the characters and, hence, the story itself. To be fair, my colorblindness might be contributing to this difficulty. For example, the red text on black pages was virtually invisible to me because I'm colorblind. I had to shine a bright light on it at an angle and hold it really close to read those passages. Thankfully they were short.
Stranger and Niobe have such possibilities and depths to be plumbed, but I felt like Jones barely scratched the surface in the first half of the book, which collects 7 issues. It was a slow start and by the time he added a few curious details of their past, they felt tacked on and I was already losing interest. Beyond that, I'll admit that Jones' prose is a tad more poetic, flowery, and sometimes longwinded than I enjoy in my comics.
I wanted to really like this series and it just wasn't for me. I'm sure—and I hope that—there are many out there who will love it. - The Untamed (Book 2): Killing Floor, by Sebastion A. Jones, Peter Bergting, & Darrell May
The art is beautiful...
The art is beautiful and the story progresses more quickly, with more action, than in The Untamed: A Sinner's Prayer (Book 1), but it still suffers from the things that I didn't like from the first book. Much of the art is too dark for me to easily discern what's going on with the non-verbal parts of the story. Jones provides more about Stranger and Niobe, but it was too little too late to grab my interest and hold it. Worth repeating, I wanted to really like this series and it just wasn't for me. I'm sure there are many out there who will love it. - Essessa: The Fallen #1, by Sebastion A. Jones, Joshua Cozine, Caanan White, & Darrell May
I think this is Essessa's origin story...
I think this is Essessa's origin story, but am honestly not certain. If so, the story felt terse and rushed, without exploring any depths of the character. The art is fascinating, if somewhat busy and chaotic in moments, but it wasn't enough to make me want to see where the story goes from here. Worth repeating [again], I wanted to really like this series and it just wasn't for me. I'm sure there are many out there who will love it. - Helium, by Rudy Francisco
Francisco's poetry is introspective...
Francisco's poetry is introspective, personally revealing, painstakingly honest, and often humorous, while tackling challenging topics such as race, class, gender, relationships, and more. It's a quick read and I highly recommend it, even for those of us who don't lean towards reading poetry very often. - All the Sinners Bleed, by S.A. Cosby ++
A captivating read...
A captivating read! I thoroughly enjoy Cosby's gritty, noir style of suspenseful thriller. It's a special boon that the book is set in the American South—where I lived for 11 years—and portrays Black Americans with such empathy, compassion, and authenticity. Cosby is a fantastic story teller. Cosby has solidified himself as one of my favorite crime, suspense authors! - My Darkest Prayer, by S.A. Cosby
An engrossing debut novel...
An engrossing debut novel, that uses slightly more flowery language than his subsequent books, but is still an exhilarating read. After reading Razorblade Tears, Blacktop Wasteland, and All the Sinners Bleed, it's easy to tell that this was Cosby's first novel-length story and he was figuring out his writing style. Regardless of that, it's a suspenseful mystery in his Southern noir style and well worth reading. - Poyums, by Len Pennie
I was drawn to Pennie's book of poetry...
I was drawn to Pennie's book of poetry after discovering her Scottish word of the day on Instagram. With her poetry, she has a barbed wit that cuts to the heart of the topic, even when it's something uncomfortable like sexual harassment, emotional abuse, inequitable social expectations, and homo/transphobia. It's obvious that her writing is part of her process to move through emotions and difficult situations, as with many, if not most, poets and authors. I appreciate that she wrote many of them in her native Scottish language. While they were sometimes challenging to comprehend, I found that they flowed fairly well if I read them quickly with her voice, accent, and cadence in mind. If you're a fan of poetry, I highly recommend this collection from Len Pennie. - Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, by Neil Postman
Published in 1985...
Published in 1985, many of Postman's thoughts hold up, even if the references are dated. The following quote from the introduction succinctly describes the position the author takes and explains throughout the book.
"[George] Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. [Aldous] Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us."
Whether or not you agree with all of Postman's hypotheses, he's not completely wrong to side with Huxley. Throughout the book, Postman presents compelling arguments to support his positions. Even though many of the technological references are outdated, it's simple enough to imagine him referring to the internet, streaming video services, TikTok, and Fox News as further proof of the Idiocracy we currently find ourselves in.
"There are two ways by which the spirit of a culture may be shriveled. In the first—the Orwellian—culture becomes a prison. In the second—the Huxleyan—culture becomes a burlesque."
- Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, by Matthew Perry (abandoned)
This memoir wasn't for me...
This memoir wasn't for me. The writing was frenetic, as though it was literally written by Chandler Bing, his Friends character who was infamous for his zinger one-liners. Perry spends a lot of time delving into the meaning behind his life decisions and patterns. And it makes sense that they revolve around his problems with addiction, but the stories didn't resonate with me. I stopped reading at 20%. - The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder, by David Grann
A fascinating true story...
A fascinating true story about 18th century sailors being shipwrecked and the intrigue that follows, all the way until their eventual return to England years later. Supported by the sheer volume of notes in the back of the book, Grann did extensive research and presented it chronologically, as the stories of the sailors unfolded. While it was interesting and held my attention, I found that it moved along a little slowly for me. I'm not exactly sure why that was the case, but it took me longer to read than I expected for a 257 page book. - Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin ++
A book about the close relationships...
A book about the close relationships in our lives, under the guise of creating video games. Granted, being a video gamer since the early 80's (Atari 2600, Commodore 64, NES, SNES) there was a lot in this book that hit me smack in the middle of my nostalgia, as intended. Yet, the relationships and their evolution were the cornerstone of the story that pulled me in. - Hollow Kingdom, by Kira Jane Buxton
A fun way to experience a zombie apocalypse...
A fun way to experience a zombie apocalypse in my local city, Seattle, through the eyes of a snarky crow who thinks they're human. The author has a boundless imagination and adeptly transfers it to the written page, although I found some areas difficult to move through. She's a wordsmith far beyond my own knowledge—there were way too many words I had to look up for me to list here—and perhaps that contributed to the areas that felt more sloggish. Regardless, I'm glad that I pushed through and got to complete the experience.
I enjoyed all the popular—and not so popular—mentions: Gas Works Park, Daily Dozen Doughnut Company in Pike Place Market, Seattle Aquarium, partially demolished Alaskan Way Viaduct (now completely gone), Caffe Ladro, "the mecca of Seattle sports fandom, a fishbowl of Emerald City hope: CenturyLink Field," Home of the Twelves, Woodland Park Zoo, Ride the Ducks, Brown Bear Car Wash, Mill Creek Town Center, Martha Lake, and even "a Lamborghini with the Seahawks logo blazoned all over it."
And everyone on earth knows that if you have the respect of a cat, it means your soul is one worth being around. ~S.T.
- How to Keep House While Drowning, by K.C. Davis
Not sure why I read this...
Not sure why I read this, perhaps a friend recommended it or it struck me in a particular moment of feeling like I wasn't getting my household shit done the way I should. Regardless, it was a fast read and a solid reminder that "you don’t exist to serve your space; your space exists to serve you." Carry on with your life, don't let the endless chores overwhelm you, and give yourself the compassion you deserve.
Internalizing this belief will help you a) shift your perspective of care tasks from a moral obligation to a functional errand, b) see what changes you actually want to make, and c) weave them into your life with minimal effort, relying not on self-loathing but on self-compassion.
- The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig ++ (reread)
A feel-good self-help book wrapped up in a fictional ride...
A feel-good self-help book wrapped up in a fictional ride through a never-ending library of one person's multiverse. It's a quick, easy, and fun read with a healthy dose of "learn to appreciate the life you have." Admittedly, that message won't resonate with some, but it did with much so that I read it again 3 years later and still thoroughly enjoyed it. - Coming Home, by Brittney Griner, Michelle Burford ++
A difficult story told well...
A difficult story told well. Brittney, BG as she's referred to publicly, reveals the evolution of events before, during, and after her 2022 incarceration in Russia, and she does so with honesty, vulnerability, and compassion. I particularly enjoyed how she sprinkled in the stories of her life as they pertained to moments in her journey, sometimes revealing the deep-seated reasons behind her decisions. She displays a remarkable amount of introspection and self-analysis, leading to an improved understanding of her behaviors and how to improve her own health. It's a horrible situation, through which BG tells a story of heartache, shame, courage, resilience, and grace.
"I'd always thought of myself as someone who could endure almost anything. At a labor camp in Russia in the dead of winter, I found out just how tough I was."
- How to Play Dungeons & Dragons: Step by Step Guide For Beginners, by Charles Goodwill
A succinct and interesting guide...
A succinct and interesting guide for playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Goodwill spends the first third of the book presenting the history of D&D, which I found quite interesting. The remainder provides succinct and pragmatic guidance for playing the game, how the classes work, creating a character, and more—a useful addition to the Players Handbook. It was a valuable refresher after many years away from the game. - The Book of Ile-Rien: The Element of Fire (Ile-Rien #1), by Martha Wells
In the last 4-5 years...
In the last 4-5 years, Martha Wells has become one of my favorite authors, with The Books of Raksura and The Murderbot Diaries. When she released the revised version of this novel, her first, originally written in 1993, I was more than intrigued.
The story hearkens back to a more traditional fantasy-style; filled with royalty, guardsmen, magic users, magical beings, castles, court politics, evil plots, and all that you might expect. It's entertaining and engaging, yet it also feels a bit on the wordy side and has a slightly different voice from her later, more recent, writings. It's not one of my favorite novels written by Wells, but still thoroughly enjoyable and worth reading. - The Book of Ile-Rien: The Death of the Necromancer (Ile-Rien #2), by Martha Wells ++
In the last 4-5 years...
In the last 4-5 years, Martha Wells has become one of my favorite authors, with The Books of Raksura and The Murderbot Diaries. When she released the revised version of this novel, originally written in 1998, I was more than intrigued.
Set in the same world as The Element of Fire, Wells continues with a more traditional style of fantasy storytelling than seen in The Books of Raksura. It started off a little slow-paced for the first third, but picked up towards the early-middle and continued building from there. She embraces the classic anti-hero plot device and then builds complex and compelling relationships with the characters surrounding them. Similar to her other works, the relationships evolve in interesting ways—if also sometimes predictable—that make the story engaging. After reading this, I'm looking forward to reading The Fall of Ile-Rien 3-book series—perhaps she'll release revised versions of those as well. - Broomsticks & Brushwork, by Brian Kesinger
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists...
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to support him...and collect several of his art books! The cover is a uniquely fun and interesting lenticular drawing that brings the drawing to life. The hard cover book is extremely well made and will most certainly live through my repeated viewings, as well as those of my young niece and nephew and whomever else picks it up. Kesinger's humorous interpretations of the various witches are quite enjoyable to read and his drawing style is remarkably succinct while conveying so much. Some of my favorite witches: Rowina Ridgeway, Selma Camdon, Lady Mae, Kitty Capeshaw, and Agatha Sullivan. - Table Titans Club, by Scott Kurtz
Having followed Scott Kurtz's comic...
Having followed Scott Kurtz's comic, PvP, for many years (decades, really), I've always enjoyed his art and sense of humor. This recent entry into YA comics is a wonderful depiction of navigating middle school friendships and discovering the joy of role-playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Highly recommend it for the young reader and/or D&D enthusiast in your life! - Penned Dragons, by Brian Kesinger
Vornii the Literate is tattooed on my...
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists and with my lifelong love of reading epic fantasy stories, I have Vornii the Literate tattooed on my arm. With the latest Kickstarter, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to support him...and collect several of his art books! The cover is a uniquely fun and interesting lenticular drawing that brings the drawing to life. The hard cover book is extremely well made and will most certainly live through my repeated viewings, as well as those of my young niece and nephew and whomever else picks it up. Kesinger's humorous interpretations of the various dragons are quite enjoyable to read and his drawing style is remarkably succinct while conveying so much. Some of my favorite dragons: Aagar the Emotional, Carnaff the Cartographer, Morkos the Famished, Faug the Chiefest & Greatest of Collectors, Cole the Diminutive, Telkyn the Learned, and, of course, Vornii the Literate. - Inked Tails, by Brian Kesinger
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists...
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to support him...and collect several of his art books! The cover is a uniquely fun and interesting lenticular drawing that brings the drawing to life. The hard cover book is extremely well made and will most certainly live through my repeated viewings, as well as those of my young niece and nephew and whomever else picks it up. Kesinger's humorous interpretations of the various mermaids are quite enjoyable to read and his drawing style is remarkably succinct while conveying so much. Some of my favorite mermaids: Lady Elizabeth, Ahneski, Florina, Stella (PNW FTW), Nikka, Bettie, Madame Lizette, and Rosanna. - The Fabulous Contraptions of Jasper J. Pumpkinhead, by Brian Kesinger
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists...
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to support him...and collect several of his art books! The cover is a uniquely fun and interesting lenticular drawing that brings the drawing to life. The hard cover book is extremely well made and will most certainly live through my repeated viewings, as well as those of my young niece and nephew and whomever else picks it up. Kesinger's humorous interpretations of Jasper J. Pumpkinhead's contraptions are quite enjoyable to read and his drawing style is remarkably succinct while conveying so much. Some of my favorite contraptions: The Eye-Pad, The Nighty-Knight, The Hogwash, Boomstoppers, and The Joy-Stick. - Buster and the Haunted Banjo, by Brian Kesinger
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists...
Kesinger is one of my favorite artists, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to support him...and collect several of his art books! This is a beautifully drawn, fun story with a positive message about friendship. Wonderful addition to any children's book collection. - Metal Head (Vol. 1), by Michael S. Katz, Bruno Abdias, & Julio Santos
Lured by an interesting Kickstarter...
Lured by an interesting Kickstarter description, I found the story mildly entertaining. It's an action-packed "aliens who look like humans invade earth" story with a few plot twists that might surprise you—or not. There's little character development, with the story relying on the action. The art is detailed and crisp and conveys the action sequences well. - Metal Head (Vol. 2), by Michael S. Katz, Bruno Abdias, & Julio Santos
Lured by an interesting Kickstarter...
Lured by an interesting Kickstarter description, I found the story mildly entertaining. It's an action-packed "aliens who look like humans invade earth" story with a few plot twists that might surprise you—or not. There's little character development, with the story relying on the action. The art is detailed and crisp and conveys the action sequences well. - BRZRKR (Vol. 1), by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, & Ron Garney (reread)
Reading the original Kickstarter description...
Reading the original Kickstarter description for BRZRKR (all the way back in 2020), I was sucked in without much effort. The premise was interesting, if a bit stererotypical for a Keanu Reeves story, and I was familiar enough with Matt Kindt's other works to have high hopes. Unfortunately, the story moved somewhat slowly and it felt like the characters' development wasn't explored as much as it could have been. I get it, B. is a silent-type antihero and comics convey through imagery, which BRZRKR does, but to a smaller degree than I would have liked. In the end, I enjoyed it enough to read through the 3-volume series.
- BRZRKR (Vol. 2), by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, & Ron Garney
Reading the original Kickstarter description...
Reading the original Kickstarter description for BRZRKR (all the way back in 2020), I was sucked in without much effort. The premise was interesting, if a bit stererotypical for a Keanu Reeves story, and I was familiar enough with Matt Kindt's other works to have high hopes. Unfortunately, the story moved somewhat slowly and it felt like the characters' development wasn't explored as much as it could have been. I get it, B. is a silent-type antihero and comics convey through imagery, which BRZRKR does, but to a smaller degree than I would have liked. In the end, I enjoyed it enough to read through the 3-volume series.
- BRZRKR (Vol. 3), by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, & Ron Garney
Reading the original Kickstarter description...
Reading the original Kickstarter description for BRZRKR (all the way back in 2020), I was sucked in without much effort. The premise was interesting, if a bit stererotypical for a Keanu Reeves story, and I was familiar enough with Matt Kindt's other works to have high hopes. Unfortunately, the story moved somewhat slowly and it felt like the characters' development wasn't explored as much as it could have been. I get it, B. is a silent-type antihero and comics convey through imagery, which BRZRKR does, but to a smaller degree than I would have liked. In the end, I enjoyed it enough to read through the 3-volume series.
- Gray (Vol. 1), by Arvind Ethan David, Eugenia Koumaki, Diana Greenhalgh, & Joana Lafuente (reread) ++
Amazing art driven by an intriguing...
Amazing art driven by an intriguing twist on the classic tale of Dorian Gray. The author reimagines the story, bringing it into modern times (the 2020s), juxtaposing the main character's gender, and providing different motivation. While Volume 1 works well on its own, be sure to finish out the series by reading Volume 2. Much is revealed, along with a few more twists. This is yet another Kickstarter project (2021) that eventually panned out well—I enjoy supporting independent artists. - Gray (Vol. 2), by Arvind Ethan David, Eugenia Koumaki, Diana Greenhalgh, & Joana Lafuente ++
Amazing art driven by an intriguing...
Amazing art driven by an intriguing twist on the classic tale of Dorian Gray. The author reimagines the story, bringing it into modern times (the 2020s), juxtaposing the main character's gender, and providing different motivation. While Volume 1 works well on its own, be sure to finish out the series by reading Volume 2. Much is revealed, along with a few more twists. This is yet another Kickstarter project (2021) that eventually panned out well—I enjoy supporting independent artists. - Scales & Scoundrels: Where Dragons Wander (Book 1), by Sebastion Girner, Galaad, & Jeff Powell
Several new twists on an old fantasy staple...
Several new twists on an old fantasy staple, dragon lore. The story is interesting and fun with solid character development and a few unexpected plot twists. The characters have depth to them, which isn't always the case in graphic novels. The art is crisp, colorful, and fun. My only complaint is that the lettering seems to be a little smaller than most comics I read, which was a tad challenging for my older eyes in the dimmer light before going to sleep. All in all, thoroughly enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the finale! - Scales & Scoundrels: The Festival of Life (Book 2), by Sebastion Girner, Galaad, & Jeff Powell
The art continues to be wonderfully drawn...
The art continues to be wonderfully drawn, the characters evolve in interesting ways, and the plot introduces a few more twists. Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed this fantasy romp with a different take on dragon lore in a new world. Well done! - Sketch Every Day, by Simone Grünewald ++
Inspiring and warmly inviting introduction to drawing...
Inspiring and warmly inviting introduction to drawing, while sharing Grünewald's artistic journey. She's been (another) one of my favorite artists for a while now and I was excited to read about her experiences and learn new sketching techniques. Her guidance is relatable and practical, displayed in fun ways. This is a great book for those of us who need a little bit of encouragement and practical prompting to finally pull the pad and pencil out of the drawer and get something, anything really, on the paper. - The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism, by Naoki Higashida
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 1): All Systems Red, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
This was my first introduction to Martha Wells...
This was my first introduction to Martha Wells (in 2020) and little did I realize that she would become one of my favorite authors. I quickly became enamored with the series anti-hero—a sarcastic, sentient, security cyborg learning how to deal with their newfound autonomy—and raced through the book series.
Murderbot, what the SecUnit (security unit) calls itself in the privacy of its mind, is full of humor, courage, self-reflection, sarcasm, and a healthy disdain for humans that's humorously tempered with quite a bit of empathy. Oh, and they're hooked on space soap operas. See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 2): Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
Second in the series...
Second in the series, Murderbot continues its journey of self-discovery and meets ART along the way. Once again, compassion and empathy get the better of the SecUnit, pulling them into intrigue and mischief while investigating their own blurry past. See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 3): Rogue Protocol, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
An action-packed continuation...
An action-packed continuation of SecUnit's search into its forgotten–meaning deleted–history. It gets caught up in the middle of yet another dangerous adventure and, once again, finds itself rescuing annoying humans. While this and the previous novellas are short, they're chock-full of character growth and plot development, creating an intriguing and interesting world. See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 4): Exit Strategy, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
It's like watching a teenager...
It's like watching a teenager discover that they can find a place to belong in the big wide world out there. SecUnit's sense of responsibility pulls it into a rescue mission where it discovers that it has friends that can be trusted, and a different life than it expected. See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 4.5): Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory (available for free here), by Martha Wells (reread)
Now that we've experienced Murderbot's origin story...
Now that we've experienced Murderbot's origin story (in the first four novellas), this is a short comfortable look into his new lifestyle and group of friends. See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 5): Network Effect, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
The first full-length novel...
The first full-length novel in the series, Murderbot's journey of self-awareness continues on a mission with their new, dare I say, family. This is the first part of the mission that concludes in System Collapse and is full of the adventure and discomfort we've come to expect from our favorite SecUnit. They fly too fast through wormholes, get kidnapped to plan a rescue mission, make a baby Murderbot, unexpectedly free a new bot-friend, get rescued by old and new friends, and delve deeper into their understanding of friendship, or should I say "mutually administrative assistance?" See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 6): Fugitive Telemetry, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
Surprisingly, fewer episodes of...
Surprisingly, fewer episodes of Sanctuary Moon were consumed while SecUnit was scurrying about Preservation Station investigating a murder. This is a flashback novella, falling chronologically right before Network Effect, even though it was published after N.E. See my Top reads of 2020. - Murderbot Diaries (Book 7): System Collapse, by Martha Wells ++ (reread)
My favorite Murderbot is redacted...
My favorite Murderbot is back (see Top reads for 2020). They're still sarcastic, self-aware, and learning the discomforts of their autonomy, along with the perks. Wells is an ingenious writer, creating character arcs and plotlines that captivate me like few other authors. Seventh in the Murderbot Diaries, System Collapse continues the tale immediately after the events of the fifth book, Network Effect—recommend rereading Network Effect first. A personal side note: I had the joy of seeing Martha Wells speak at a local book store and sign my hard cover copy of System Collapse. :) - The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris
This was like reading an in-depth and extensive resume...
This was like reading an in-depth and extensive resume with insightful personal tidbits, historical background, and character interactions thrown in to make it more of a story. And it works! This is the book I wanted it to be.
Putting all my cards on the table (disclaimer): Before I bought her memoir, I had already decided to vote for Kamala Harris in the upcoming 2024 U.S. elections. Absolutely no question about that. She's qualified, experienced, knowledgeable, calm under pressure, and the right person for the job. There's my bias, take it for what you will.
This was the book I wanted it be because it helped me understand Kamala Harris as a person, her motivations for becoming a lawyer and prosecutor and how she perceives the people she represents, both as a lawyer and politician. Her compassion is at the forefront, leading her actions in almost every instance and I have the utmost respect for her because of that.
"The job of a progressive prosecutor is to look out for the overlooked, to speak up for those whose voices aren't being heard, to see and address the causes of crime, not just their consequences, and to shine a light on the inequality and unfairness that lead to injustice. It is to recognize that not everyone needs punishment, that what many need, quite plainly, is help."
Her voice in the memoir feels sincere and authentic—I'd be surprised if there was a ghost writer involved, especially since she references the time taken to write it. She's an engaging author, who keeps a good pace with her wording and stories, making it an interesting—dare I say fun—book to read. The stories about her childhood, family, and personal relationships are insightful and add depth to her political positions. I appreciate her tying them all together to give us a more holistic view of her character and experience.
I think it's fairly clear that she wrote this in 2019 with the idea of running for a national office, because she spends much of the time discussing her policy stances. As I said, many parts of it read as though it's an in-depth discussion of her professional experience. And that's okay, because that's what I wanted to learn more about, especially now, as she's running for our country's top job. - Vampires of El Norte, by Isabel Cañas
Not your standard vampire story...
Not your standard vampire story! Vampires and vaqueros (cowboys) in 1840s Mexico was as interesting as the description lead me to believe it might be. It's primarily a love story with a vampiric twist, and it works well. I appreciate how the author centered the story in Mexican culture and embraced using Spanish words throughout; it made the story feel authentic and enveloping—even/especially for someone who habla muy poco español. - Interview with the Vampire, by Anne Rice
Originally published almost 50 years ago...
Originally published almost 50 years ago (in 1976), I finally spent part of this October reading one of the paramount vampire books in our history. I have limited knowledge of vampire lore and believe that allowed me to read this with different expectations—less anticipation, perhaps—than those who are ensconced in the genre. Rice's writing is a tad more flowery and descriptive than I usually enjoy and the story ebbs and flows in its excitement, explaining why it took me two weeks to read 340 pages (slow for me). Overall, I enjoyed the book enough that I'm looking forward to reading the other 12 novels in The Vampire Chronicles and learning how their stories evolve. Maybe I'll make it an annual October thing. :) - The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires, by Grady Hendrix
Masquerading as a vampire story...
Masquerading as a vampire story, this is really a book about a group of women dealing with misogyny and sexism in the 1980's southern United States. The story is funny, horrific, angering, and uncomfortable in many places, often at the same time, which is part of what makes the story flow well. I enjoyed experiencing the women grow, falter, adapt, and overcome a horrific situation, in spite of their husbands persistently ignoring, patronizing, and gaslighting them. - Fowl Language: Tweenage Wasteland, by Brian Gordon
Relatable to any parent...
Relatable to any parent of tweens and teens! I've been following Gordon's Fowl Language for years now and he never fails to capture parenting moments with succinct hilarity. He does it again here. - Kaiju Preservation Society, by John Scalzi
Another fun and absorbing story...
Another fun and absorbing story by John Scalzi! Nuclear reactor-powered godzillas and a group of intelligent do-gooders. Nothing could go wrong, right? This is the second of Scalzi's books I've read and I'm a fan of his unique stories and descriptive yet succinct writing style. - Big Ideas, Little Pictures: Explaining the World One Sketch at a Time, by Jono Hey
A wide range of ideas and concepts...
A wide range of ideas and concepts described succinctly through sketches. I've been a fan of Jono Hey's Sketchplanations for years; he's adeptly skilled at explaining complex ideas with deceptively simple drawings. I appreciate that he collected many of them into a hard-cover book that looks and feels wonderful. It's something that you can pick up for a few minutes or an hour, almost every page contains a fascinating explanation paired with an easy-to-understand illustrative sketchplanation. In fact, if you scroll to the bottom of this page you'll see his sketchplanation for tsundoku as part of my explanation for why I abandon some books. :) - Get It Together, Pickles, by Dave Kellett
A delightfully entertaining collection of Sheldon comics...
A delightfully entertaining collection of Sheldon comics! Kellett also writes and draws Drive, a charmingly unique space opera (also available in physical books). - Sometimes Up, Sometimes Down (Vol. 1), by Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao translates moments into feelings...
Yaoyao translates moments into feelings. Contentment, joy, melancholy, surprise, frustration, and so much more are captured by her soft and expressive artistic style. It's calming and joyful to slowly flip through the pages, taking in the scenes, empathizing with the character's—presumably Yaoyao herself—situation, and feeling their love for their furry best friend. - Sometimes Up, Sometimes Down (Vol. 2), by Yaoyao Ma Van As
Yaoyao translates moments into feelings...
Yaoyao translates moments into feelings. Contentment, joy, melancholy, surprise, frustration, and so much more are captured by her soft and expressive artistic style. It's calming and joyful to slowly flip through the pages, taking in the scenes, empathizing with the character's—presumably Yaoyao herself—situation, and feeling their love for their furry best friend. - The Hidden History of the War on Voting, by Thom Hartmann
- Cosmic Detective, by Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt, & David Rubín
A single-shot story worth the time...
A single-shot story worth the time. I've enjoyed other works from the authors, Jeff Lemire and Matt Kindt, and with the recommendation of staff from The Comix Shop in Basel, Switzerland, I decided to give this a try. I wasn't disappointed. The noir genre is a fun deviation from my usual fare, the storyline was entertaining and Rubín's artistic style fits perfectly. - Death on the Canal, by Anja de Jager
- The Blond Baboon, by Janwillem van de Wetering
- Friday (Book One): The First Day of Christmas, by Ed Brubaker, Marcos Martin, & Muntsa Vicente
Worth the slowish burn...
Worth the slowish burn, this series didn't exactly excite me from the start, but I enjoyed it enough to keep reading and it paid off in the end. The first and second books are enjoyable, but the third book is where it all comes together with some unexpected plot twists. Martin's art expresses the scenes with clarity and succinctness, making the story easy to follow—something that isn't always the case with graphic novels.
I picked this up at The Comix Shop in Basel, Switzerland, where the staff were exceptionally kind and knowledgeable, helping us traveling Americans find comics that we'd enjoy. - The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie
An interesting concept...
An interesting concept, but the story never really pulled me in. I was intrigued enough to try the second volume, but stopped reading the series after that one.
I picked up the first book at The Comix Shop in Basel, Switzerland, where the staff were exceptionally kind and knowledgeable, helping us traveling Americans find comics that we'd enjoy.
~ ~ ~
See my top reads from 2023.
- Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters, by Laura Vanderkam ++
Realistic and practical...
Realistic and practical advice from Laura Vanderkam, as I expected. I've read other books of hers and they all provide exactly that in a succinct and entertaining writing style. I'm grateful for how she breaks down the topic of managing your time—and accompanying sense of being overwhelmed—into bite-sized chunks that make sense and are easy to work on individually. These individual chunks can add up to significant change, if you take the time to implement them. - Giant Days (Vol. 1), by John Allison, Whitney Cogar, & Lissa Treiman ++
A thoroughly fun...
A thoroughly fun, quirky, and enjoyable story of 3 young women's friendships and adventures during their college (university) years. It had me nostalgic for my college days, not only the adventures similar to theirs, but the ones that were different and unique from mine. For those yet to attend university, here's a taste of what it can be like and a reminder to be courageous, find those friendships and experiences that will be the building blocks of adulthood!
Note for the 'Extra Credit' and 'Early Registration' volumes: They're still good, but not quite as much so as the original volumes 1-14. You can read them anytime, but I recommend finishing at least volume 1 of the primary/main track first. - Giant Days: Extra Credit, by John Allison, Sarah Stern, Jeremy Lawson, Jenn St-Onge, Caanan Grall, & Lissa Treiman ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 2), by John Allison, Whitney Cogar, & Lissa Treiman ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 3), by John Allison & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 4), by John Allison, Lissa Treiman, Whitney Cogar, Liz Fleming, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 5), by John Allison, Liz Fleming, Jim Campbell, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 6), by John Allison, Whitney Cogar, Liz Fleming, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 7), by John Allison, Liz Fleming, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days: Early Registration, by John Allison ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 8), by John Allison, Liz Fleming, Jim Campbell, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 9), by John Allison, Lissa Treiman, Whitney Cogar, Jenna Ayoub, Liz Fleming, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 10), by John Allison, Julia Madrigal, & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 11), by John Allison & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 12), by John Allison & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 13), by John Allison & Max Sarin ++
- Giant Days (Vol. 14), by John Allison & Max Sarin ++
- The Simple Path to Wealth, by JL Collins
I appreciate the simplicity...
I appreciate the simplicity of the author's concept along with the real-world evidence that supports it. I've been investing this way for years because of the simplicity and low cost, it's nice to see all of the research that confirms my decision. This book makes the topic of investing and saving accessible to everyone. In fact, the book could be summarized in a page or two, if that's all you really want or need, but the author takes the time to explain the history and reasoning behind their approach in ways that make sense to everyone, even those who don't have a financial or investing background (like the author's daughter, who it was initially written for). - Laws of Depravity (Martyr Maker #1), by Eriq La Salle
Wrapping up theology and morality...
Wrapping up theology and morality in the chase to catch a serial killer, La Salle does a tremendous job with the tale and the characters. The book is only a mystery for the first half, then the killer is revealed and it becomes more about the chase, although he still manages to throw in several surprises up until the very end. I particularly appreciate the depth he provides for each of the characters, giving the reader interesting and pertinent backstories. Thoroughly enjoyed and looking forward to the next in the series. - The Underground Railroad, by Colson Whitehead
It feels odd...
It feels odd to say that I enjoyed this book when it deals with such a horrific topic. Yet, Whitehead does a wonderful job telling the tale, weaving together the various characters, and reimagining the metaphorical underground railroad into a real tunnel-based system running through the country. He portrays slavery in all of its horrors and obviously did extensive research on its many facets. That's why I can't really say I enjoyed the book, but it definitely kept me engaged and wanting to know how Cora handled each (mostly tragic) situation. - They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South, by Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers (abandoned)
Interesting historical information...
Interesting historical information about the slave-owning white women of the antebellum South, most of which I was unfamiliar with. It's vastly apparent that the author did extensive research, providing citations for nearly every accounting. I truly appreciate that she centered the enslaved peoples' accounts, versus the whitewashed records most of us grew up with, if we learned about it at all. Having said that, I found the writing repetitive; it lacked an evolving narrative that guided the reader and was dry, like studying a text book. I finished 25% of the book before deciding to stop reading. - Finding Me: A Memoir, by Viola Davis ++
I had no idea...
I had no idea about Viola Davis' childhood: extreme poverty, physically abusive father, emotionally unavailable mother, surrounded by blatant racism, and full of courage (even when she didn't realize it in the moments). This was a fascinating journey with Viola as she examines her evolution into who she is today. I've always enjoyed her as an actor and now I have the utmost of respect and appreciation for her as a person. - Black Cop’s Kid, by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ++
I'm consistently impressed...
I'm consistently impressed with Abdul-Jabbar's knowledge, empathy, sincerity, and candor in his writing and this long-form essay has all of those things. He explains how his relationship with his father, a NYC cop, impacted and inspired his life-long pursuit of social justice, even though they didn't speak about it. Abdul-Jabbar discusses the paradox of being a Black police officer, wanting to help others while participating in a broken system. Highly recommend subscribing to his newsletter. - Legendborn (Book 1): Legendborn, by Tracy Deonn ++
A fantastic Arthurian-inspired tale...
A fantastic Arthurian-inspired tale of a Black teenage girl from North Carolina who finds herself entrenched in a prophecy that she didn't know about and definitely didn't want to be a part of. Deonn builds a uniquely interesting world around the Legends of King Arthur, full of complexity and intrigue with characters that grow and adapt with the story. I sincerely appreciate how Deonn presents Bree, the main character, and the many experiences that are unique precisely because she's a young Black woman who often has to deal with microaggressions and racism. - Legendborn (Book 2): Bloodmarked, by Tracy Deonn ++
This second book...
This second book in the Legendborn series continues the tale of a Black teenage girl from North Carolina, Bree, who finds herself entrenched in an Arthurian-inspired prophecy. Deonn continues to build on and explain the complexities of the magical world around Bree. There were several unexpected plot twists and the characters continue to evolve in interesting ways. Once again, I appreciate Deonn's tie-ins to the history of enslaved people in the U.S. and how it continues to impact our culture. She integrates that history into the storyline with depth, care, and respect. - Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data, by Charles Wheelan ++
Wheelan brings brevity and clarity...
Wheelan brings brevity and clarity to a tedious subject matter, statistical analysis. This is nothing like the textbook for my statistics class in college, which might be why I actually read this one cover-to-cover. Wheelan adeptly translates advanced concepts into real-world situations using clear language and intuitive examples. I found the silly sense of humor enjoyable, but I can see where it might bother some folks. All in all, I found it informative and often enjoyable to read, which given the subject matter is a formidable accomplishment, one to be lauded!
"Statistics is like a high-caliber weapon: helpful when used correctly and potentially disastrous in the wrong hands." - The Witcher: The Last Wish (Book 0.5), by Andrzej Sapkowski (abandoned)
This was on my to-read list...
This was on my to-read list for a few years before I actually cracked it open. After enjoying the live-action series, with Henry Cavill as Geralt, I decided it was time to visit the original material wasn't for me. I found the writing to be terse and unengaging, so I stopped reading after ~50 pages. - Throne of Glass (Book 0.5): The Assassin’s Blade - Prequel Novellas, by Sarah J. Maas
This collection of prequel novellas...
This collection of prequel novellas were written and released individually before Throne of Glass (book 1), then later published together in this collection. I'm glad that I started the series here, with Caleana's origin stories, because they gave me a thorough understanding of and appreciation for her character's backstory when I began Throne of Glass. The novellas are fun, engaging, and entertaining! - Throne of Glass (Book 1): Throne of Glass, by Sarah J. Maas
After sitting on my to-be-read shelf...
After sitting on my to-be-read shelf for the last 5-6 years, my 19-year-old daughter decided to read this book and soon got hooked, requesting all seven other books in the series from the library. We both enjoy young-adult fantasy worlds and she enjoyed the first few books so much it encouraged me to bump it to the top of my reading list (books are also a wonderful way for us to connect). In Caleana Sardothien, Maas has created an anti-hero with courage and compassion, a mixture of bravado and foolhardiness, and the skill and persistence to prevail. The author sets the stage for a much broader tale and expansive world while beginning to delve into Caleana's character growth. You can tell that this is the first book in a longer series, yet it tells a solid tale on its own. - Throne of Glass (Book 2): Crown of Midnight, by Sarah J. Maas
The tale continues to evolve...
The tale continues to evolve as Maas delves further into the characters development, throwing more than a few twists and turns in their paths and plot twists (some that surprised me). Caleana is a likeable character, even through those moments where you know she's making the wrong decision or acting brashly, and I always found myself rooting for her. Like many YA fantasy novels, there are moments (yes, tropes) where you have to suspend disbelief and just go with the story, but they don't detract from the book. An enjoyable and engrossing read! - Throne of Glass (Book 3): Heir of Fire, by Sarah J. Maas
Not halfway through the series yet...
Not halfway through the series yet (this is book 3 of 7) and Maas was able to surprise me again with several plot twists. Well done! The author took a slightly different approach this time, presenting lengthier chapters from different characters' perspectives, and I enjoyed it. Several new characters were introduced and some historical events are coming to their fruition, creating an even wider web of events going on in the world of Erilea and foreshadowing more events to come. I enjoy the world Maas is building and the stories she's pulling together. - Harley Quinn #28, by Tini Howard, Sweeney Boo, & Erica Henderson
A fun, lighthearted, and conflict-filled romp...
A fun, lighthearted, and conflict-filled romp around Gotham with Harley Quinn, where she experiences some consequences for her fight-first-think-later decisions. Admittedly, I primarily read this because I've been a big fan of the artist, Sweeney Boo, for several years now. When she announced that she was drawing the latest storyline, I put in an order at my local comic shop. - The Librarian of Auschwitz: The Graphic Novel, by Salva Rubio, Antonio Iturbe, Lilit Žekulin Thwaites, & Loreto Aroca
This is a tale that must still be told...
This is a tale that must still be told because some are too eager to forget the horrors of an authoritarian regime. I enjoyed this representation of Dita's story. While it's horrifyingly sad, it's also inspiring to see Dita's persistence and determination throughout her imprisonment. The art in the graphic novel is well done and represents the situations accurately, without overemphasizing or downplaying the violence and horror present. For a sobering story, this is a wonderful interpretation. - Throne of Glass (Book 4): Queen of Shadows, by Sarah J. Maas
More interesting character developments and surprise plot twists...
More interesting character developments and surprise plot twists, while moving the story forward significantly. Again, well done! Now that I've passed the halfway point on this series, I want to reiterate that the series (still) contains some YA fantasy tropes. They're not worth dissecting in detail, rather consider this a warning that there are moments where you'll be better off suspending disbelief or even rolling your eyes a bit and just keep reading. - Throne of Glass (Book 6): Tower of Dawn, by Sarah J. Maas
Diverging from the main characters...
Diverging from the main characters, this book still delivered an engaging adventure and contributed major plot points (with a few more twists) to the overall story arc. Very enjoyable! Some criticism: Maas tends to dwell on the minutiae of her characters love interests and be unnecessarily wordy in most scenarios, which leads me to believe that with a different editor, this could have been a 400-500 page book instead of 668 (which is a lengthy novel). Same goes for the 3rd and 4th books in the series, they're longer than they really need to be. Having said that, I still enjoyed them and they're still fairly quick reads, regardless of breaking 600 pages. Note: The events in this book (#6) run concurrently with those in Empire of Storms (#5), but I read this one first based on a recommendation that it was a more seamless story arc to move from Empire of Storms (#5) directly into Kingdom of Ash (#7). - Scurry, by Mac Smith
The art is incredible...
The art is incredible and the story is intriguing, with many allegories to (and warnings for) our modern world. - Throne of Glass (Book 5): Empire of Storms, by Sarah J. Maas
This is a romance novel disguised as a fantasy...
This is a romance novel disguised as a fantasy adventure. It's like an annoying magical version of Temptation Island, with everyone pairing up and sharing their endlessly pedantic thoughts of romance, sex, and love for each other. Why does every single character need to become enthralled and fall hopelessly in love with a counterpart? This is the sort of YA trope that I can handle in small bits, but anything more and it ruins the story for me. I honestly wanted to stop reading before I reached halfway through, but I'm too invested in the series at this point. Since I read Tower of Dawn before this one, I only have one more book after this to finish the whole series. Thankfully, Maas toned down the romance around the time I was at page 500 (75% through, mind you!) and started focusing more on the plot. - Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans, by Melanie Mitchell
Insightful observations about the history...
Insightful observations about the history and evolution of the artificial intelligence (AI) industry over the last several decades. Mitchell does a fine job turning what can be pretty dry material into relatable and understandable stories that explain how we got to the current state of affairs (in 2019, when the book was published).
My big takeaway is that since the 1940's, the experts grandiose predictions are quite hand-wavy, ambiguous, and rarely come true. For example, in 1965, Nobel laureate Herbert Simon predicted, "Machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work that a man can do." This is referred to as generative artificial intelligence and considered how to simulate human consciousness and deciphering context with computers. In 2023, this is still not possible, not even close.
What has come true is that AI, specifically machine learning, has been used to solve very specific challenges, such as identifying and reproducing language in large language models (LLM). This is extraordinary, but it's also done within defined boundaries, which is the rub. In order to develop generative AI, those boundaries need to disappear or be expanded exponentially. Mitchell provides many interesting examples of this conundrum, helping to put a realistic lens on what we can expect from artificial intelligence. She doesn't provide predictions of her own, only [realistic] opinions on the predictions others have made. - The Kneeling Man: My Father’s Life as a Black Spy Who Witnessed the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., by Leta McCollough Seletzky
Fascinating way to present a memoir...
This is a fascinating way to present a memoir, the main character's story alongside the author's journey creating it. The author intermingles her own life experiences with those of wanting to understand this pivotal moment in her father's life, deciding to write the book, and her investigation to learn the truth. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of this book!
I greatly appreciate Leta's vulnerability in divulging how racism has impacted her throughout her life, from childhood to the overtly racist behaviors of Trump and the [sometimes] more subtle racism found in his supporters.
"It would be several years before I could put words to what I found so disturbing: that most of the people around me either didn’t care that we now had a president advocating racial hatred and violence, or they enjoyed it. It was as if I had a dangerous enemy who’d made known his feelings about me and my family, and the people around me were either indifferent or quietly supporting the enemy." - No Filter, by Paulina Porizkova
Being only five years younger...
Being only five years younger than Paulina, I remember her meteoric rise to modeling fame in the 1980s, handful of acting parts, marriage to Ric Ocasek, and seeming disappearance from public life. Admittedly, it was her recent extreme vulnerability on Instagram about aging and society's expectations of women that drove my interest in her memoir.
She's a wonderful writer, knowing how to engage and entertain the reader as she tells her story. But what really caught my attention and kept me turning pages was her sincerity and vulnerability, her willingness to bare her thoughts and feelings—both good and bad—about her experiences. This isn't a simple recounting of the successes in her life, it's a thoughtful analysis where she describes her anxieties, insecurities, mistakes, surprises, and much more. Well worth reading.
"You know how you don't get wrinkles? You die young." - Harley Quinn #29, by Tini Howard, Sweeney Boo, Adam Warren, & Alejandro Sanchez
What started off as a lighthearted...
What started off as a lighthearted romp has turned into a storyline that doesn't move ahead quite as smoothly; it felt disjointed and confusing. I still love the art. - Saga (Vol. 10), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
Still one of my all-time favorite comics...
Still one of my all-time favorite comics—um, graphic novels (see my top reads of 2019). After a 4-year hiatus (2018-2022) and a heartbreaking cliffhanger in volume 9, thus begins the second half of Saga's planned 108 issue (18 volume) story. I still adore Fiona Staples artwork for its stunning line work, beautiful coloring, and her ability to translate all sorts of environments. Vaughan's storytelling is the other highlight of this series, although this volume felt a little slower than previous plot arcs, I appreciate slowly settling back into the characters, their quirks, and the choices they make. I didn't reread volumes 1-9 before reading this one, but am going to reread 1-10 before 11; there was so much I had forgotten in the 4 years since I'd read them. - Laws of Wrath (Martyr Maker #2), by Eriq La Salle
The second in the series...
The second in the series, La Salle continues plumbing the depths of the characters in his gritty police procedural. He does an excellent job of building suspense and maintaining the mystery, while revealing tidbits along the way to keep you interested. The story delves into transphobia and I—a cisgender male—felt that it was handled respectfully and with care towards that community. - Slow learning, by International Training Centre of the ILO
A delightfully interesting 100-page educational paper...
A delightfully interesting 100-page educational paper on the benefits of taking your time to learn slowly, at your own pace, and with breaks to recharge. Broken into 3 chapters, the presentation is exceptional. The first chapter presents a succinct bill of rights for learning slowly. In the second chapter, they combine one person's artistic representation with another person's written explanation of why slow learning is important to them. It's a compelling and thought-provoking way to discuss the topic—I relished the artists renditions. The third and final chapter provides tools we can all use to become better students and teachers through slower learning. - Outer Order, Inner Calm, by Gretchen Rubin
This is an interesting, approachable, and quick...
This is an interesting, approachable, and quick read without the fluff. Rubin provides succinct, practical tips on getting organized that improve the calmness of our emotional state. I found many useful suggestions, yet several of them were already in my repertoire—of course, I did enjoy the confirmation. It's worth a read if you enjoy being organized or feel that you need some guidance in getting organized. Other books I've read on the topic tend to add a lot of fluff to increase their page count and I appreciate that Rubin doesn't do that. - Sand Chronicles (Book 1): Sand, by Hugh Howey
Howey excels at creating dystopian worlds...
Howey excels at creating dystopian worlds where unanticipated complexities evolve as the stories unfold. The characters are nuanced, with both admirable and undesirable characteristics, usually striving against insurmountable challenges. I thoroughly enjoyed the first of the series. - Sand Chronicles (Book 2): Across the Sand, by Hugh Howey
Once again, Howey moves the story...
Once again, Howey moves the story forward with engaging deftness—even by going backwards through origin stories. It's a gritty tale—pun intended—well worth reading, especially if you're a fan of Howey's other work (notably, Wool). - The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams, by Seth Godin
Even though I'm a long time fan...
Even though I'm a long time fan of Godin's newsletter and books, this one didn't quite grab me like others have. Don't get me wrong, like most of his writing, this book is packed full with good information that's presented in an easily digestible manner. Since I read his newsletter regularly, I think this book felt like a rehash of those topics instead of new ideas or even existing ideas presented differently. Still worth the read, though! - Zen in the Art of Writing, by Ray Bradbury ++
- The Sixth Gun (Vol. 1): Cold Dead Fingers, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
Action packed spaghetti western...
Action packed spaghetti western with a supernatural twist (or three). The art and writing both have a noir style that reveals the ambiguity and underlying complexity of the characters. The first book of nine, this is a solid introduction to what looks to be a wild and entertaining ride. - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 2): Crossroads, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
The action continues...
The action continues as the stories' origins are slowly revealed throughout the second book of The Sixth Gun series (9 books). Brian Hurtt's art is fun and complex, visually pleasing as it conveys the characters and their trials. Cullen Bunn's writing exposes more of the history behind the guns, their legend, and the supporting cast in an entertaining manner and with a few surprises. I particularly like Becky's strength and independence, and how that plays out with the macho men surrounding her. It's a page turner! - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 3): Bound, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
Delving further into the history...
Delving further into the history of the characters and the cult-like societies that seem to surround the guns, the action is well paced with more than a few surprises. The art continues to be stellar, as well. Thoroughly enjoying this series! - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 4): A Town Called Penance, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
Explores the desperation of the characters...
Explores the desperation of the characters—and the cultish secret societies—who are pursuing the seemingly sentient guns, all for their own greedy reasons. It continues to be a good old-fashioned western with a supernatural bent and noir-like presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter told only in images, it flowed well. - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 5): Winter Wolves, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
The entertaining adventure continues...
The entertaining adventure continues with twists, turns, and surprises. More of the characters' backstories are revealed, sharing their motivations, feelings, and character flaws. Still an enjoyable series! - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 6): Ghost Dance, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
Moving into the land of dreams...
Moving into the land of dreams and magical happenings, we follow paths that might have been taken had history played out differently. Becky continues to grow and gain confidence in her skills, facing new foes with courage and tenacity. - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 7): Not the Bullet, But the Fall, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
Betrayal and more surprises await...
Betrayal and more surprises await, with Becky, Drake, and the crew continuing their adventure to get rid of the six magical, seemingly-sentient guns. We learn more about origins of characters and the impact of the six guns on history as the plot continues to thicken, twist, and turn. - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 8): Hell and High Water, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
Secrets and origins revealed...
Secrets and origins revealed, long-standing threads tied together, and old battles fought again. Still interesting and engaging! - The Sixth Gun (Vol. 9): Boot Hill, by Collen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, & Bill Crabtree ++
More secrets are revealed...
More secrets are revealed on the journey through Hell (or is it?) to the final battle, where the participants are driven by their search for power, vengeance, or freedom. An epic finale to this 9-book fantastical western series! - Witch King, by Martha Wells ++
As usual, Martha Wells packs a whole helluva lot...
As usual, Martha Wells packs a whole helluva lot into each sentence, paragraph, and chapter throughout this book. The author creates worlds with complexities and challenges that mirror our own, yet also fills them with common practices and ethos that break many stereotypes of our reality. She throws you into the deep end first by starting the story off where she does and I don't disagree with some reviewers who said they would have appreciated a bit of backstory or history to prepare them for the ride. Having said that, she does a fantastic job of laying out the story over time, exposing us to the characters and moments of their growth—historical and present time. I'm excited to see where Wells takes this story and how Kai, Ziede, Tahren, and the others evolve!
Martha Wells solidified herself as one of my all-time favorite authors when I devoured the Murderbot series in 2020 and followed it up with the Books of Raksura in 2021. Whether it's sci-fi or fantasy, Wells creates extensive and detailed worlds that build off of our own emotional journeys while adding unique and interesting twists. Worth calling out, I truly appreciate the equity that Wells builds into her fictional worlds, whether it's queer relationships or gender presentation, she presents openness and acceptance as the norm.
A well-written review: A Lavish, Crunchy Fantasy: Witch King by Martha Wells - Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story, by Bono ++
Bono's memoir is as poetic as U2's song lyrics...
Bono's memoir is as poetic as U2's song lyrics, and densely packed with his experiences, introspection, and interpretation. It's everything any devout fan could hope for when asking the famous lead singer "how'd you do it and what's it been like?" His writing is eloquent, articulate, expressive, and, yes, poetic. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the paths he's taken, the relationships he's experienced, and his drive to make the world a better place through philanthropy and political activism.
Whether or not he calls himself one, Paul David Hewson—Bono's legal name—is a philosopher. Throughout the book he sprinkles his ruminations and conversations with others on religion, personal faith, scriptures, and all sorts of philosophical questions. I appreciate and respect that he openly and routinely questions his own religious faith as well as the scriptures it's based on. He looks beyond the dogma to understand the philosophy. I admire that this perspective is evident in his song lyrics and performances.
"To move people with music, you first have to be moved by it." - My Own Kind of Freedom: A Firefly Novel, by Steven Brust
Another fun escapade...
Another fun escapade with the Firefly crew! Brust captures the authentic feel and sentiment of Firefly and its motley crew of characters. There were moments where the dialog moved back and forth quickly, like in the show, but this was more difficult to digest in a written version. Fortunately, most of it made sense because I've watched the series—more than once. As fan fiction goes, this is top notch and I recommend it with that caveat. - Harley Quinn #30, by Tini Howard, Sweeney Boo, & Mindy Lee
The disjointed storyline continues...
The disjointed storyline continues, leaving me thinking that it's not for me. And, yet, I still enjoy the art. - Harley Quinn #31, by Tini Howard, Sweeney Boo, Heather Anne Campbell, Filya Bratukhin, & Lee Loughridge
Fourth issue into this...
Fourth issue into this multiverse storyline and I'm still not feeling it. Sweeney Boo's art is still top notch. - The Spare Man, by Mary Robinette Kowal
A lighthearted and enjoyable murder mystery...
A lighthearted and enjoyable murder mystery with a cast of quirky characters on holiday aboard a space cruise to Mars. - Throne of Glass (Book 7): Kingdom of Ash, by Sarah J. Maas
Back to adventuring...
Back to adventuring, this final book in the Throne of Glass series delivers all the goods. Maas wraps up everything with a big bow while throwing in more than a few plot twists along the way, creating a satisfying—if somewhat predictable—ending to Aelin's (Caleana's) tale. My only criticism is that it's ridiculously long at 988 pages; the author's exceptionally descriptive writing style could have been split into two books.
Having finished the series, I would describe it as a light young adult (YA) fantasy adventure that is easy and fun to read. The biggest irritation for me was the excessively descriptive focus on romance at times and that every major character has a 'true love.' Seriously, why not let some of them be confidently and independently single, without pining away for their 'soul mate.' There are several moments when the series is a romance thinly disguised as a fantasy adventure. But if you don't take it too seriously and enjoy the story for what it is, it's a fun read. - Harley Quinn #32, by Tini Howard, Sweeney Boo, Sam Maggs, Kelley Jones, & Jose Villarrubia
A bit more interesting this time...
A bit more interesting this time around, but at this point I'm only buying it for Sweeney Boo's art. - The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (audiobook), by Dave Grohl ++ (reread)
One of my top reads of 2022...
One of my top reads of 2022, listening to Dave Grohl narrate the audio book was exactly as I expected. It's like listening to him rattle off stories as we sat around the fire pit in my backyard drinking beer on a clear-skied, brisk Saturday night. See my full thoughts about the book here. - Teaching to Transgress, by bell hooks
An insightful look into...
An insightful look into bell hooks' experience in and thoughts on academia. Gloria Jean Watkins discusses her various philosophies about the current state of education during her time and how it could be improved.
It was particularly interesting to hear how desegregation in the 1960s impacted education for Black students. It removed them from the classrooms of Black teachers, who had lived similar cultural experiences, and worked to empower, as well as educate, their young minds. With segregation, Black students were placed with white teachers who could not relate to their lived experiences and didn't have the desire to improve them. She expands on how this impacted her personal love for education, that "always and only responding and reacting to white folks" removed the freedom to learn for Black students. She continues to describe her educational journey and how it shaped her ideology for teaching, that it should consist of pedagogical strategies to encourage freedom in thought and discussion between teachers and students.
I especially liked the concept of engaged pedagogy. Students want to learn about the topics in ways that are meaningful to their lives and viewpoints, not to merely regurgitate information. When teachers step away from an authoritative perspective—that they own the knowledge to be given—and become vulnerable in sharing their own experiences as teachers who are also still learning. This mutually engaging relationship allows both parties the freedom to learn from each other.
There's a lot more to this book than I can cover in a short summary. Read it to understand hooks' experiences, motivation, and goals. - Starter Villain, by John Scalzi ++
One of my best whimsical purchases...
One of my best whimsical purchases in quite some time—at BookPeople in Austin, Texas. The book is ridiculously entertaining and lighthearted! A fast-paced story where the protagonist is a fish out of water, suddenly entangled with a small group of elitist thick-headed billionaire tech bros who truly believe they're super villains. There are also adorable cats. What more could you want in a hilarious allegory for income inequality? - Widow’s Island (Book 9): Bone Deep, by Kendra Elliot
A police procedural with heart...
A police procedural with heart, this reminds me how much I enjoyed the early seasons of Blue Bloods. Ninth in the series, this novella is an enjoyable return to characters I've come to know with a few plot twists thrown in for good measure. It's lightweight and fun reading. - Widow’s Island (Book 10): The Wrong Bones, by Melinda Leigh
Another entertaining PNW small-island murder...
Another entertaining PNW small-island murder adventure in the Widow's Island series. I thoroughly enjoy these police procedural novellas and the evolution of the characters. - Dancing in the Mosque: An Afghan Mother’s Letter to Her Son, by Homeira Qaderi ++
Enlightening, emotional, overwhelming...
Enlightening, emotional, overwhelming, sorrowful, and hopeful are words I'd use to describe this wonderful memoir by Homeira Qaderi. The hardships she's endured throughout her life are worthy of the story and she entwines the words with emotion and soul that elevates it beyond any of my expectations. The experiences she shares are based around letters to her son while they're forcefully separated—she's in the United States and he's in Afghanistan.
No doubt, Qaderi is an artful storyteller and skilled writer. When you know that everything is her truth, her life, her experiences, the emphasis of each tale is magnified tenfold, a hundredfold, and more. It astounds me—and reminds me of my extreme privilege—that she not only lived through so many horrendous experiences, but had—and still has—the courage to fight for her beliefs and rights in such circumstances. I have the utmost admiration for her and am thankful that she shared her story, helping the rest of us in the world understand the experiences of women in Afghanistan.
"The story of Afghan women is tightly woven with the history and politics of our nation. The story is one of endless misery woven through times of peace and war and it flows with pain, but never reaches the healing ocean." - Runestone Saga (Book 1): Children of Ragnarok, by Cinda Williams China
Engaging characters, interesting story arcs...
Engaging characters, interesting story arcs, and a few plot twists make this young adult (YA) Viking-inspired fantasy adventure a pleasure to read. This first book in the Runestone Saga avoids many of the YA fantasy tropes while maintaining its approachability, which I truly appreciate. Chima obviously did her research, presenting the Norse and Viking mythologies with enough details to make things interesting while not overwhelming the reader. - Norse Mythology (Vol. 1), by Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell, Jerry Ordway (Illustrator), Mike Mignola (Illustrator), Jill Thompson (Illustrator, Colorist), David Rubín (Illustrator, Colorist), Piotr Kowalksi (Illustrator), Dave Stewart (Colorist), Lovern Kindzierski (Colorist), Galen Showman (Letterist)
A fun and interesting adaptation...
A fun and interesting adaptation of Gaiman's Norse Mythology, which is on my to-read list. Knowing only a little about the subject, I enjoyed the artists interpretation as I learned about the different origin stories. - The She Series Book, by Karen Hallion ++
A delightful way to introduce readers to fascinating women...
A delightful way to introduce readers to fascinating women, from both present day and the past. The book was inspired by Karen Hallion's She Series of fictional and real characters, which began around late 2017. Each portrait depicts the woman and a single word that describes their actions…what they do or did to create an impact on the world. I love that the book was a collaborative effort between Karen and several authors, combining Karen's artwork with a writer's description of the woman's life, experiences, and influence.
For the women that I recognized, I still learned something new about them. There were several women I hadn't heard of before reading the book and I'm thankful to have learned about them.
Here are some of my favorites of the women I knew of before She Series: Advance [Nichelle Nichols], Become [Michelle Obama], Delight [Betty White], Dissent [Ruth Bader Ginsberg], Engage [Stacey Abrams], Provoke [Joan Rivers], Stand [Malala Yousafzai], Write [Emily Dickinson].
Here are some of my favorites of the women I learned of through She Series: Activate [Betty Friedan], Be [Isra Hirsi], Climb [Junko Tabei], Defend [Autumn Peltier], Endeavor [Mae Jemison], Evolve [Grace Lee Boggs], Galvanize [Helen Zia], Impact [Rebecca Lee Crumpler], Outwit [Gail Simone], Question [Marjane Satrapi].
"By highlighting women's actions, a book can inspire and empower other women to pursue their goals and achieve success, while also challenging societal norms and expectations. It can also educate readers about the many ways in which women have shaped history and influenced social, political, and cultural change." ~Karen Hallion - Murderbot Diaries (Book 7): System Collapse, by Martha Wells ++
My favorite Murderbot is back...
My favorite Murderbot is back (see Top reads for 2020). They're still sarcastic, self-aware, and learning the discomforts of their autonomy, along with the perks. Wells is an ingenious writer, creating character arcs and plotlines that captivate me like few other authors. Seventh in the Murderbot Diaries, System Collapse continues the tale immediately after the events of the fifth book, Network Effect—recommend rereading Network Effect first. A personal side note: I had the joy of seeing Martha Wells speak at a local book store and sign my hard cover copy of System Collapse. :) - Vixx the Hunter #1, by Jeff Massey, Pat Shand, Larry Watts, James Offredi, Damien Torres, Jim Campbell, & Shannon Lee
A slightly different take on a dystopian...
A slightly different take on a dystopian world and those still alive dealing with the fallout. It's an interesting story with well-drawn imagery. - The Future, by Naomi Alderman ++
Once again, Alderman captured...
Once again, Alderman captured my interest and held it closely through each plot twist and turn. The Future was a gripping, intriguing, and fun read. I especially enjoyed the companies that were thinly veiled stand-ins for Facebook, Apple, and Amazon and the characters that panned their billionaire CEOs. Their plans are ludicrous, yet seem plausible when you consider one of those real-life billionaires actually built a penis-shaped space ship. The Power was one of my top reads for 2020 and The Future is likely to be in the 2023 list.
I was fortunate enough to see Naomi Alderman speak at a local bookstore for the release of this book and she was wonderful: engaging, interesting, and funny. - City of Bones, by Martha Wells ++
A skillfully crafted story...
A skillfully crafted story set in a richly constructed society set thousands of years after apocalyptic events drastically change the planet—that is presumably Earth. As I've come to expect, Wells develops characters with intricacy and depth, allowing us to witness their subtle evolution as the story unfolds. The plot flows well and the characters are engaging. It's truly a pleasure to read.
A personal side note: I had the joy of seeing Martha Wells speak at a local book store and sign my copy of the newly revised edition of City of Bones. - Saga (Vol. 1: chs.1-6), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
I first read Saga in 2017...
I first read Saga in 2017 (volumes 1-4), then reread it in 2019 (volumes 1-9) and it continues to be one of my favorite graphic novels. After a 4-year hiatus (2018-2022) and a heartbreaking cliffhanger in volume 9, Vaughan and Staples have begun the second half of Saga's planned 108 issue (18 volume) story...and I'm here for the ride!
Rereading Volume 1 was a lovely reminder of how it all began. Vaughan is a storyteller extraordinaire, able to convey depths of character, emotion, and plot with just the right amount of narrative. He introduces us to a couple who are deeply in love, battling the rest of the world to simply stay alive. As the story unfolds, we experience new and unexpected elements in world-building, yet they're tied together with commonalities that help readers to feel engaged. Staples' artwork is stunning. She's able to create fantastical environments and characters that expand upon and improve the story, making it such a wonderful reading experience. - Saga (Vol. 2: chs.7-12), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
The plot thickens as we meet new characters...
The plot thickens as we meet new characters, each a part of the unfolding story in ways we couldn't expect. In-laws, exes, and authors. Vaughan continues to build an imaginative world that is drawn amazingly by Staples. This is my third reread since first picking it up in 2017 and it's still one of my favorites. - Saga (Vol. 3: chs.13-18), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
The in-law, ex, and author...
The in-law, ex, and author–along with others we've met–continue their parts in the story, giving us a few more unexpected twists. Vaughan's storytelling and Staples' art keep the story interesting and entertaining. - Saga (Vol. 4: chs.19-24), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
Things continue to go off the rails...
Things continue to go off the rails, in so many ways and with just about every character, including a few new ones. There's rarely a moment of peace or tranquility, although Hazel—as the narrator—expressly states that the odd family did experience them in many moments in between. Vaughan and Staples continue to deliver an epic story. - Saga (Vol. 5: chs.25-30), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
Instability, unpredictability, and a bit of deranged vengeance...
Instability, unpredictability, and a bit of deranged vengeance ensue with this volume of the story…and it all centers around parenthood. Imagine that. :) - Saga (Vol. 6: chs.31-36), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
More twists and turns than a snake playing...
More twists and turns than a snake playing tic-tac-toe. As always, Staples' art is phenomenal and Vaughan's story continues to evolve in unexpected and entertaining ways. - Saga (Vol. 7: chs.37-42), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
The story and art continue to fascinate and entertain...
The story and art continue to fascinate and entertain, engaging as ever, leading the reader down unknown paths. This one involved some goodbyes–one sad, one not–and a few big twists. Such a wild ride. - Saga (Vol. 8: chs.43-48), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
Consistently compelling stories and immersive...
Consistently compelling stories and immersive artwork. The consistency is the secret to this epic story's success. Obviously, Vaughan has a grand imagination and Staples is an extremely skilled artist, but the fact that they consistently deliver such high quality is a testament to them. This is my second time reading through the series and it holds up. Thoroughly enjoying it. - Saga (Vol. 9: chs.49-54), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
A cliffhanger ending...
A cliffhanger ending to the first half of Saga's planned 18 volume (108 issue) epic tale. After publishing Volume 9 (ending with ch. 54) in 2018, Vaughan and Staples took a 4-year hiatus. Now that they've resumed the second half of the tale (beginning with ch. 55 in 2022), I'm rereading to refresh my memory. It doesn't disappoint, even/especially the second time. Damn…just…damn. - Saga (Vol. 10: chs.55-60), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
This time around I went...
This time around I went back and reread volumes 1-9 beforehand and the continuity made a big difference, improving the reading experience. There are unexpected plot twists—to be expected from Vaughan—and Staples' art always conveys so much more than I expect imagery to. Overall, yet another volume that's a joy to experience. I recommend rereading at least volume 9 before starting 10, but starting from volume 1 is even better. - Saga (Vol. 11: chs.61-66), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
What more can I say...
What more can I say about this series that I haven't already said in my thoughts on previous volumes? It's entertaining, thought-provoking, intriguing, exciting, boundary-pushing, beautiful, sad, hopeful, and so much more. Read it from the beginning.
~ ~ ~
See my top reads from 2022.
- The Daily Stoic Journal, by Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman
- All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders
- My Body, by Emily Ratajkowski ++
- Atomic Habits, by James Clear ++ (reread)
- Beginning C++, by Ivor Horton & Peter Van Weert
- The Tangleroot Palace: Stories, by Marjorie Liu
- Parable Series (Book 1): Parable of the Sower, by Octavia E. Butler
- Palm Springs Noir (short story collection), edited by Barbara Demarco-Barrett
- How to Be Black, by Baratunde Thurston
- Call Us What We Carry, by Amanda Gorman ++
- Dear Martin, by Nic Stone ++
- Dear Justyce, by Nic Stone ++
- The Nickel Boys, by Colson Whitehead ++
- Will, by Will Smith
- Razorblade Tears, by S.A. Cosby ++
- Blacktop Wasteland, by S.A. Cosby
- Legacy of Orïsha (Book 1): Children of Blood and Bone, by Tomi Adeyemi
- Legacy of Orïsha (Book 2): Children of Virtue and Vengeance, by Tomi Adeyemi
- The Witch of Wickerson, by Derek Laufman
- Truevine: An Extraordinary True Story of Two Brothers and a Mother’s Love, by Beth Macy (abandoned)
- Dopesick, by Beth Macy (abandoned)
- Lizzy Gardner Series (Book 1): Abducted, by T.R. Ragan
- Never Say You Can’t Survive, by Charlie Jane Anders
- The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music, by Dave Grohl ++
- My Evil Mother: A Short Story, by Margaret Atwood
- Rogue River (Book 1): On Her Father’s Grave, by Kendra Elliot
- Rogue River (Book 2): Gone to Her Grave, by Melinda Leigh
- Rogue River (Book 3): Her Grave Secrets, by Kendra Elliot
- Rogue River (Book 4): Walking on Her Grave, by Melinda Leigh
- Curve of the Dragon (Episode 1): Chasing Shadows, by Matt Stokes
- Curve of the Dragon (Episode 2): Trial and Error, by Matt Stokes
- Curve of the Dragon (Episode 3): Losing Integrity, by Matt Stokes
- Curve of the Dragon (Episode 4): Breaking the Pattern, by Matt Stokes
- One Night in Manila: A Curve of the Dragon Story, by Matt Stokes
- Killing Eve (Book 1): Codename Villanelle, by Luke Jennings
- Killing Eve (Book 2): No Tomorrow, by Luke Jennings
- Killing Eve (Book 3): Die for Me, by Luke Jennings
- The Endless Skies, by Shannon Price
- Zikora, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- A Psalm for the Wild-Built, by Becky Chambers
- Rogue Winter (Book 1): Tracks of Her Tears, by Melinda Leigh
- Rogue Winter (Book 2): Dead in Her Tracks, by Kendra Elliot
- Rogue Vows (Book 1): Death and Her Devotion, by Kendra Elliot
- Rogue Vows (Book 2): Burned by Her Devotion, by Melinda Leigh
- The Sleeper and the Spindle, by Neil Gaiman & Chris Riddell
- Rogue Justice (Book 1): Twisted Truth, by Melinda Leigh
- Rogue Justice (Book 2): Truth Be Told, by Kendra Elliot
- Relic Runner Origin Story (Book 1): Out of the Fire, by Ernest Dempsey
- Relic Runner Origin Story (Book 2): You Only Die Once, by Ernest Dempsey
- Relic Runner Origin Story (Book 3): Tequila Sunset, by Ernest Dempsey
- Relic Runner Origin Story (Book 4): Purgatory, by Ernest Dempsey
- Relic Runner Origin Story (Book 5): Scorched Earth, by Ernest Dempsey
- Relic Runner Origin Story (Book 6): The Heart of Vengeance, by Ernest Dempsey
- Widow’s Island (Book 1): Close to the Bone, by Kendra Elliot
- Widow’s Island (Book 2): A Bone to Pick, by Melinda Leigh
- Widow’s Island (Book 3): Whisper of Bones, by Melinda Leigh
- Widow’s Island (Book 4): Bred in the Bone, by Kendra Elliot
- Widow’s Island (Book 5): Below the Bones, by Kendra Elliot
- Widow’s Island (Book 6): A Broken Bone, by Melinda Leigh
- Widow’s Island (Book 7): Buried Bones, by Melinda Leigh
- Widow’s Island (Book 8): The Lost Bones, by Kendra Elliot
- Snowflakes, by Ruth Ware
- Slow Burner, by Laura Lippman
- Treasure, by Oyinkan Braithwaite
- Buried, by Jeffrey Deaver
- The Gift, by Alison Gaylin
- Let Her Be, by Lisa Unger
- Wayward Children (Book 1): Every Heart a Doorway, by Seanan McGuire
- Lizzy Gardner Series (Book 2): Dead Weight, by T.R. Ragan
- Lizzy Gardner Series (Book 3): A Dark Mind, by T.R. Ragan
- Lizzy Gardner Series (Book 4): Obsessed, by T.R. Ragan
- Lizzy Gardner Series (Book 5): Almost Dead, by T.R. Ragan
- Lizzy Gardner Series (Book 6): Evil Never Dies, by T.R. Ragan
- The Abominable Charles Christopher (Book 1), by Karl Kerschl
- The Abominable Charles Christopher (Book 2), by Karl Kerschl
- The Abominable Charles Christopher (Book 3), by Karl Kerschl
- One by One, by Ruth Ware ++
- Drive (Act 1), by Dave Kellett
- Drive (Act 2), by Dave Kellett
- Drive (Act 3), by Dave Kellett
- South to America: A Journey Below the Mason-Dixon to Understand the Soul of a Nation, by Imani Perry
- Irredeemeable Premier (Vol. 1), by Mark Waid & Peter Krause
- Irredeemeable Premier (Vol. 2), by Mark Waid & Peter Krause
- Irredeemeable Premier (Vol. 3), by Mark Waid & Peter Krause
- Irredeemeable Premier (Vol. 4), by Mark Waid & Peter Krause
- Irredeemeable Premier (Vol. 5), by Mark Waid & Peter Krause
- The Unknown Omnibus, by Mark Waid & Minck Oosterveer
- Breath, by James Nestor ++
- Hench, by Natalie Zina Walschots ++
- Trejo: My Life of Crime, Redemption, and Hollywood, by Danny Trejo & Donal Logue ++
- Station Eleven, by Emily St. John Mandel
- Over My Dead Body, by Sweeney Boo
- The Cartographers, by Peng Shepherd ++
- The Sandman (Vol. 1): Preludes & Nocturnes, by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg, & Malcolm Jones III (reread)
- The Sandman (Vol. 2): The Doll’s House, by Neil Gaiman, Steve Parkhouse, Chris Bachalo, Michael Zulli, Mike Dringenberg, Malcolm Jones III, & Todd Klein (reread)
- A Prayer for the Crown-Shy: A Monk and Robot Book, by Becky Chambers
- Magic Kingdom, by Extended Play
- Stuffed, by Extended Play
- Show Your Work!, by Austin Kleon
- Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
- Happier Hour, by Cassie Holmes
- Crying in H Mart, by Michelle Zauner
- Our Missing Hearts, by Celeste Ng ++
- Do Hard Things, by Steve Magness ++
- The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reread) ++
- The Lord of the Rings (Book 1): The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reread) ++
- The Lord of the Rings (Book 2): The Two Towers, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reread) ++
- The Lord of the Rings (Book 3): The Return of the King, by J.R.R. Tolkien (reread) ++
~ ~ ~
See my top reads from 2021.
- The Daily Stoic Journal, by Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman
- Burnout, by Emily Nagoski, PhD & Amelia Nagoski, DMA
- Eat, and Love Yourself, by Sweeney Boo ++
- A Sky Beyond the Storm (Ember in the Ashes #4), by Sabaa Tahir
- Born to Run, by Bruce Springsteen (abandoned)
- Little Fires Everywhere, by Celeste Ng ++
- Firefly: Legacy Deluxe Edition, by Joss Whedon
- I’m Not Dying with You Tonight, by Kimberly Jones & Gilly Segal ++
- Queenie, by Candice Carty-Williams (abandoned)
- Book Love, by Debbie Tung
- Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, by Emmanuel Acho ++
- The Book of Delights, by Ross Gay
- A Promised Land, by Barack Obama ++
- Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story, by Debbie Tung
- Happily Ever After & Everything in Between, by Debbie Tung
- Firefly: The Unification War, Deluxe Edition, by Greg Pak & Dan McDaid
- Excellence (Vol. 1): Kill the Past, by Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, & Emilio Lopez
- Jessie Cole (Book 1): Her Last Day, by T.R. Ragan
- Jessie Cole (Book 2): Deadly Recall, by T.R. Ragan
- Jessie Cole (Book 3): Deranged, by T.R. Ragan
- Jessie Cole (Book 4): Buried Deep, by T.R. Ragan
- What Unites Us, by Dan Rather
- Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #1: Cosmic Cat-Tastrophe, by Sam Maggs & Sweeney Boo
- Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #2: A.I.M. Small, by Sam Maggs & Sweeney Boo
- Books of the Raksura (Book 1): The Cloud Roads, by Martha Wells ++
- The Hidden History of American Oligarchy, by Thom Hartmann
- Books of the Raksura (Book 2): The Serpent Sea, by Martha Wells ++
- Travel Light, by Naomi Mitchison
- From Cradle to Stage, by Virginia Hanlon Grohl
- Tribes, by Seth Godin
- Books of the Raksura (Book 3): The Siren Depths, by Martha Wells ++
- First We Read, Then We Write, by Robert D. Richardson
- Rise of the Empress (Book 1): Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, by Julie C. Dao
- Rise of the Empress (Book 2): Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix, by Julie C. Dao
- Born a Doofus, by Adam Huber
- Stories of the Raksura (Vol. 1): The Falling World & The Tale of Indigo and Cloud, by Martha Wells ++
- Stories of the Raksura (Vol. 2): The Dead City & The Dark Earth Below, by Martha Wells ++
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 6): Fugitive Telemetry, by Martha Wells ++
- The Sandman (Vol. 1): Preludes & Nocturnes, by Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg, & Malcolm Jones III
- The Sandman (Vol. 2): The Doll’s House, by Neil Gaiman, Steve Parkhouse, Chris Bachalo, Michael Zulli, Mike Dringenberg, Malcolm Jones III, & Todd Klein
- Weather: A novel, by Jenny Offill (abandoned)
- Far Sector #1-12, by N.K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell ++
- The Sandman (Vol. 3): Dream Country, by Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones, Malcolm Jones III, Charles Vess, & Colleen Doran
- The Sandman (Vol. 4): Season of Mists, by Neil Gaiman, Kelley Jones, Mike Dringenberg, Malcolm Jones III, Matt Wagner, Dick Giordano, George Pratt, & P. Craig Russell
- Paper Girls (Vol. 6), by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Heathen (Vol. 1), by Natasha Alterici
- Heathen (Vol. 2), by Natasha Alterici
- Heathen (Vol. 3), by Natasha Alterici
- Monstress (Vol. 1): Awakening, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda ++
- Monstress (Vol. 2): Haven, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda ++
- Monstress (Vol. 3): The Blood, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda ++
- X-23 (Vol. 1): The Killing Dream, by Marjorie Liu
- X-23 (Vol. 2): Chaos Theory, by Marjorie Liu
- X-23 (Vol. 3): Don’t Look Back, by Marjorie Liu
- Inside Out, by Demi Moore
- You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey, by Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar ++
- Stardust, by Neil Gaiman
- Books of the Raksura (Book 4): The Edge of the Worlds, by Martha Wells ++
- Books of the Raksura (Book 5): The Harbors of the Sun, by Martha Wells ++
- Resident Alien Omnibus (Vol. 1), by Peter Hogan & Steve Parkhouse
- Blackface, by Ayanna Thompson
- Lady Astronaut Universe (Book 1): The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal ++
- The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig ++
- Lady Astronaut Universe (Book 2): The Fated Sky, by Mary Robinette Kowal ++
- Lady Astronaut Universe (Book 3): The Relentless Moon, by Mary Robinette Kowal ++
- Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace, 11th edition, by Joseph M. Williams & Joseph Bizup (abandoned)
- The Aurora Cycle (Book 1): Aurora Rising, by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
- The Beauty of Living Twice, by Sharon Stone
- Sunshine Girl: An Unexpected Life, by Julianna Margulies
- Commissario Brunetti (Book 1): Death at La Fenice, by Donna Leon
- Commissario Brunetti (Book 2): Death in a Strange Country, by Donna Leon
- Faith McMann (Book 1): Furious, by T.R. Ragan (abandoned)
- The New Corner Office: How the Most Successful People Work from Home, by Laura Vanderkam
- Raising a Girl with ADHD, by Allison K. Tyler
- The Silent Patient, by Alex Michaelides ++
- Summary and Analysis of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, by Worth Books Smart Summaries
- Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, by David Epstein
- Project Hail Mary, by Andy Weir ++
- The Aurora Cycle (Book 2): Aurora Burning, by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ++
- BRZRKR (Vol. 1), by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, & Ron Garney
- The Aurora Cycle (Book 3): Aurora’s End, by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ++
- Gray (Vol. 1), by Arvind Ethan David, Eugenia Koumaki, & Diana Greenhalgh
- Monstress (Vol. 4): The Chosen, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda ++
- Monstress (Vol. 5): Warchild, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda ++
- Monstress (Vol. 6): The Vow, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda ++
~ ~ ~
See my top reads from 2020.
- The Daily Stoic Journal, by Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman
- The Kingdom of the Gods (The Inheritance Trilogy book 3), by N.K. Jemisin
- The Awakened Kingdom (The Inheritance Trilogy book 4), by N.K. Jemisin
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 8): Mecca, by G. Willow Wilson, Marco Failla, & Diego Olortegui
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 9): Teenage Wasteland, by G. Willow Wilson, & Nico Leon
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 10): Time and Again, by G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon, & Ian Herring
- Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, by Jaron Lanier ++
- Anatomy of Authors, by Dave Kellett
- Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons
- Anatomy of Animals, by Dave Kellett
- How to Do Nothing, by Jenny Odell (abandoned)
- Black Hammer (Vol. 1): Secret Origins, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, & Dave Stewart
- On the Shortness of Life, by Seneca
- Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius
- A Spring Harvest, by by Geoffrey Bache Smith
- Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet (Book 1), by Ta-Nehisi Coates & Brian Stelfreeze
- Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet (Book 2), by Ta-Nehisi Coates & Chris Sprouse
- Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet (Book 3), by Ta-Nehisi Coates & Brian Stelfreeze
- An Untamed State, by Roxane Gay
- Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Roxane Gay, Yona Harvey, Alitha Martinez, & Afua Richardson
- Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson ++
- Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick: Stories from the Harlem Resistance, by Zora Neale Hurston
- Writings on the Wall, by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ++
- Cut and Run, by Mary Burton
- The Banks, by Roxane Gay, Ming Doyle, & Jordie Bellaire
- Whistleblower, by Susan Fowler ++
- Hide and Seek, by Mary Burton
- Know My Name, by Chanel Miller ++
- Far Sector #1, by N.K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell
- Far Sector #2, by N.K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell
- Far Sector #3, by N.K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell
- Far Sector #4, by N.K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell
- Sara, by Garth Ennis, Steve Epting, & Elizabeth Breitweiser
- The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love, by bell hooks
- Goodnight Paradise, by Joshua Dysart, Alberto Ponticelli, & Giulia Brusco
- The Fearsome Doctor Fang, by Tze Chun, Mike Weiss, Dan McDaid, & Daniela Miwa
- Keep Going, by Austin Kleon ++
- You’re Never Weird on the Internet, by Felicia Day ++
- This is 18, by Jessica Bennett
- Ironheart (Vol. 2): Ten Rings, by Eve L. Ewing
- Recollections of My Nonexistence, by Rebecca Solnit
- Copycat, by C.S. Barnes (abandoned)
- The Deep, by Rivers Solomon
- Velvet (Vol. 1): Before the Living End, by Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting, & Elizabeth Breitweiser
- Velvet (Vol. 2): The Secret Lives of Dead Men, by Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting, & Elizabeth Breitweiser
- Velvet (Vol. 3): The Man Who Stole the World, by Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting, & Elizabeth Breitweiser
- The Girl with the Louding Voice, by Abi Daré ++
- The Old Guard (Book One: Opening Fire), by Greg Rucka, Leandro Fernandez, Daniela Miwa, & Jodi Wynne ++
- Afraid of the Light, anthology of stories by Victoria Selman, Adam Southward, and more
- Legend (Legend Series #1), by Marie Lu
- The Umbrella Academy (Vol. 1): The Apocalypse Suite, by Gerard Way
- Why We’re Polarized, by Ezra Klein
- Norah’s Saga (S1 E1), by Blake Northcott & Kelsey Shannon
- Bass Reeves (S1 E1), by Kevin Grevioux, David Williams, & Kelsey Shannon
- Jessica Jones: The Pulse: The Complete Collection, by Brian Michael Bendis
- Prodigy (Legend Series #2), by Marie Lu
- Champion (Legend Series #3), by Marie Lu
- Lazarus (Sourcebook Collection), by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- Lazarus (Vol. 2): Lift, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- Life Before Legend (Legend Series #0.5), by Marie Lu
- Life After Legend (Legend Series #3.5), by Marie Lu (this is a short story found in the back of the Kindle version of Warcross)
- Rebel (Legend Series #4), by Marie Lu
- Stranger Planet, by Nathan W. Pyle
- Far Sector #5, by N.K. Jemisin & Jamal Campbell
- Lazarus (Vol. 1): Family, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- Lazarus (Vol. 2): Lift, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus (reread)
- Lazarus (Vol. 3): Conclave, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- Lazarus (Vol. 4): Poison, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- Lazarus (Vol. 5): Cull, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- Lazarus (Vol. 6): Fracture I, by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, & Santi Arcus
- White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo
- The Fifth Season (Broken Earth #1), by N.K. Jemisin
- How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi
- The Obelisk Gate (Broken Earth #2), by N.K. Jemisin
- The Stone Sky (Broken Earth #3), by N.K. Jemisin
- Troubled Blood, by Robert Galbraith (aka: J.K. Rowling)
- The Old Guard (Book One: Opening Fire), by Greg Rucka, Leandro Fernandez, Daniela Miwa, & Jodi Wynne (reread) ++
- The Old Guard (Book Two: Force Multiplied), by Greg Rucka, Leandro Fernandez, Daniela Miwa, & Jodi Wynne ++
- Magician: Apprentice, by Raymond E. Feist ++
- Magician: Master, by Raymond E. Feist ++
- Silverthorn, by Raymond E. Feist ++
- A Darkness at Sethanon, by Raymond E. Feist ++
- One of Those Days, by Yehuda Devir & Maya Devir
- How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi (reread)
- Atomic Habits, by James Clear ++
- Mercy, by Mirka Andolfo
- Indistractable, by Nir Eyal
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 1): All Systems Red, by Martha Wells ++
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 2): Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells ++
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 3): Rogue Protocol, by Martha Wells ++
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 4): Exit Strategy, by Martha Wells ++
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 4.5): Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory in PDF, by Martha Wells
- Murderbot Diaries (Book 5): Network Effect, by Martha Wells ++
- Where the Light Enters, by Dr. Jill Biden
- Too Much and Never Enough, by Mary Trump
- Around the World in 60 Seconds: The Nas Daily Journey, by Nuseir Yassin
~ ~ ~
See my top reads from 2019.
- Becoming, by Michelle Obama ++
- Saga (Vol. 1), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
- Saga (Vol. 2), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
- Saga (Vol. 3), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
- Saga (Vol. 4), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (reread) ++
- Saga (Vol. 5), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Saga (Vol. 6), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander
- Saga (Vol. 7), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Saga (Vol. 8), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Saga (Vol. 9), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Fear, by Bob Woodward
- Y: The Last Man (Book One), by Brian K. Vaughan & Pia Guerra ++
- Y: The Last Man (Book Two), by Brian K. Vaughan & Pia Guerra ++
- Y: The Last Man (Book Three), by Brian K. Vaughan & Pia Guerra ++
- Y: The Last Man (Book Four), by Brian K. Vaughan & Pia Guerra ++
- Y: The Last Man (Book Five), by Brian K. Vaughan & Pia Guerra ++
- To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee ++
- What Happened, by Hillary Rodham Clinton
- Shade: A Tale of Two Presidents, by Pete Souza
- How Long ‘Til Black Future Month?, by N.K. Jemisin
- I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou
- Paper Girls (Vol. 1), by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Paper Girls (Vol. 2), by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Paper Girls (Vol. 3), by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Paper Girls (Vol. 4), by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Paper Girls (Vol. 5), by Brian K. Vaughan & Cliff Chiang
- Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, by Irin Carmon & Shana Knizhnik
- The Power, by Naomi Alderman ++
- Today Will Be Different, by Maria Semple
- The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer, by Sydney Padua
- American Gods, by Neil Gaiman
- Jessica Jones: Alias (Vol. 1), by Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos
- Jessica Jones: Alias (Vol. 2), by Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos
- Jessica Jones: Alias (Vol. 3), by Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos
- Jessica Jones: Alias (Vol. 4), by Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos
- Tears for The Dead (Bonnie Parker, PI book 5), by Michael Prescott
- Blood for Blood (Ziba MacKenzie book 1), by Victoria Selman ++
- The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen (abandoned)
- Everything I Never Told You, by Celeste Ng
- Everything Here Is Beautiful, by Mira T. Lee
- Warcross (Warcross book 1), by Marie Lu ++
- Wildcard (Warcross book 2), by Marie Lu ++
- An Ember in the Ashes, by Sabaa Tahir
- The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui
- A Torch Against the Night (Ember in the Ashes #2), by Sabaa Tahir
- A Reaper at the Gates (Ember in the Ashes #3), by Sabaa Tahir
- Dying of Whiteness, by Jonathan M. Metzl
- Nothing to Lose (Ziba MacKenzie book 2), by Victoria Selman ++
- Small Great Things, by Jodi Picoult ++
- Vox, by Christina Dalcher ++
- Uncommon Type: Some Stories, by Tom Hanks ++
- Black Widow: No Restraints Play, by Jen & Sylvia Soska ++
- Assassin Nation #1, by Kyle Starks & Erica Henderson
- Assassin Nation #2, by Kyle Starks & Erica Henderson
- Assassin Nation #3, by Kyle Starks & Erica Henderson
- Assassin Nation #4, by Kyle Starks & Erica Henderson
- Assassin Nation #5, by Kyle Starks & Erica Henderson
- Good Talk, by Mira Jacob (this could be considered a graphic novel) ++
- What Your Doctor May NOT Tell You About Breast Cancer, by John R. Lee, Virginia Hopkins, David Zava
- Preacher (Book 1), by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
- Preacher (Book 2), by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
- Better Allies, by Karen Catlin ++
- Preacher (Book 3), by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
- Preacher (Book 4), by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
- Preacher (Book 5), by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
- Preacher (Book 6), by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon
- Lucifer (Book 1), by Mike Carey
- So you want to talk about race, by Ijeoma Oluo ++
- Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed by Men, by Caroline Criado Perez ++
- Emergency Skin, by N.K. Jemisin ++
- The Liar’s Club, by Mary Karr (abandoned)
- Present! A Techie’s Guide to Public Speaking, by Karen Catlin & Poornima Vijayashanker ++
- Business Cat: Hostile Takeovers, by Tom Fonder
- For the Love of Men: A New Vision for Mindful Masculinity, by Liz Plank ++
- The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore
- Our House, by Louise Candlish
- Black Widow (Vol. 1): The Finely Woven Thread, by Nathan Edmondson
- Black Widow (Vol. 2): The Tightly Tangled Web, by Nathan Edmondson
- Black Widow (Vol. 3): Last Days, by Nathan Edmondson
- Black Widow (Vol. 1): S.H.E.I.L.D.’s Most Wanted, by Mark Waid
- Black Widow (Vol. 2): No More Secrets, by Mark Waid
- Far Sector #1, by N.K. Jemisin ++
- Ironheart (Vol. 1): Those With Courage, by Eve L. Ewing
- Shuri (Vol. 1): The Search for Black Panther, by Nnedi Okorafor
- The Umbrella Academy (Vol. 1): The Apocalypse Suite, by Gerard Way
- Monstress (Vol. 1): Awakening, by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda
- Snakes and Ladders (Ziba MacKenzie book 3), by Victoria Selman ++
- The Testaments, by Margaret Atwood ++
- crossing paths, by f.a. peeke ++
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 1): No Normal, by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2): Generation Why, by G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona, Jacob Wyatt
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3): Crushed, by G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, Elmo Bondoc
- Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates ++
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 4): Last Days, by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 5): Super Famous, by G. Willow Wilson & Takeshi Miyazawa
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 6): Civil War II, by G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, Adrian Alphona
- Ms. Marvel (Vol. 7): Damage Per Second, by G. Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, Mirka Andolfo
- The Umbrella Academy (Vol. 2): Dallas, by Gerard Way
- The Umbrella Academy (Vol. 3): Hotel Oblivion, by Gerard Way
- Far Sector #2, by N.K. Jemisin ++
- The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (The Inheritance Trilogy book 1), by N.K. Jemisin ++
- The Broken Kingdoms (The Inheritance Trilogy book 2), by N.K. Jemisin
~ ~ ~
- Wheel of Time Reread: Book 3 (WoT Books 7-9), by Leigh Butler
- Wheel of Time Reread: Book 4 (WoT Books 10-12), by Leigh Butler
- Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time #10), by Robert Jordan
- Knife of Dreams (Wheel of Time #11), by Robert Jordan
- The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time #12), by Robert Jordan
- Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time #13), by Robert Jordan
- A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time #14), by Robert Jordan
- That’s What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and Women Need to Tell Them) about Working Together, by Joanne Lipman
- No Matter the Wreckage, by Sarah Kay
- My Life on the Road, by Gloria Steinem ++
- The Handmaid’s Tale, by Margaret Atwood ++
- Grit, by Angela Duckworth ++
- Dreamland, by Sarah Dessen
- Bossypants, by Tina Fey
- Nightfall (Keeper of the Lost Cities #6), by Shannon Messenger
- Confidence Code for Girls, by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman
- We Should All Be Feminists, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ++
- Breaking Cover, by Michele Rigby Assad
- Hark! A Vagrant!, by Kate Beaton
- Bitch Planet (Vol. 1): Extraordinary Machine, by Kelly Sue DeConnick & Valentine De Landro
- Bitch Planet (Vol. 2): President Bitch, by Kelly Sue DeConnick & Valentine De Landro
- Persepolis (Vol. 1): The Story of a Childhood, by Marjane Satrapi
- Persepolis (Vol. 2): The Story of a Return, by Marjane Satrapi
- Where’d You Go, Bernadette?, by Maria Semple
- Men Explain Things To Me, by Rebecca Solnit
- The Mother Of All Questions, by Rebecca Solnit
- Dear Madame President, by Jennifer Palmieri
- The Warrior Heir (The Heir Chronicles #1), by Cinda Williams China
- The Wizard Heir (The Heir Chronicles #2), by Cinda Williams China
- The Dragon Heir (The Heir Chronicles #3), by Cinda Williams China
- The Enchanter Heir (The Heir Chronicles #4), by Cinda Williams China
- The Sorcerer Heir (The Heir Chronicles #5), by Cinda Williams China
- Fascism: A Warning, by Madeleine Albright ++
- How to Be Successful without Hurting Men’s Feelings: Non-threatening Leadership Strategies for Women, by Sarah Cooper
- Feminist Fight Club, by Jessica Bennett
- The Silkworm (Cormoran Strike #2), by Robert Galbraith (aka: J.K. Rowling) ++
- Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike #3), by Robert Galbraith (aka: J.K. Rowling) ++
- Lethal White (Cormoran Strike #4), by Robert Galbraith (aka: J.K. Rowling) ++
~ ~ ~
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (Book 7), by J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Book 8), by J.K. Rowling
- Some Fruits of Solitude, by William Penn
- Fables: Book 9 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham
- Introvert Doodles, by Maureen Marzi Wilson
- The Princess Diarist, by Carrie Fisher
- 1984, by George Orwell ++
- Bad Feminist, by Roxane Gay ++
- A Reporter’s Life, by Walter Cronkite
- The Crow, by J. O’Barr
- The Light in Elsie’s Eyes, by K.R. Ganz
- Deadpool Classic Vol. 1, by Fabian Nicieza & Joe Kelly
- Deadpool Classic Vol. 2, by Joe Kelly
- Deadpool Classic Vol. 3, by Joe Kelly
- Why I Write, by George Orwell
- We Learn Nothing, by Tim Kreider
- Hillbilly Elegy, by J.D. Vance
- Mindset, by Dr. Carol Dweck
- Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, by Amy Chua
- Ideas of Note: One Man’s Philosophy on Life on Post-Its, by Chaz Hutton
- On Writing Well, by William Zinsser ++
- Star Wars - A New Hope: The Princess, The Scoundrel, and The Farm Boy, by Alexandra Bracken
- Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back: So You Want To Be A Jedi?, by Adam Gidwitz
- Star Wars - Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side, by Tom Angleberger
- War of Art, by Steven Pressfield ++
- The Art of American Whiskey, by Noah Rothbaum
- Zero Day, by Mark Russinovich & Jeff Aiken
- March: Book 1, by John Lewis, Andrew Aydein, & Nate Powell
- March: Book 2, by John Lewis, Andrew Aydein, & Nate Powell
- March: Book 3, by John Lewis, Andrew Aydein, & Nate Powell
- The Elements of Style, by William Strunk Jr. & E.B. White
- The Wind Through the Keyhole (Dark Tower #4.5), by Stephen King
- The Enchiridion, by Epictetus
- Wool (Silo #1), by Hugh Howey
- Cold Around the Heart (Bonnie Parker, PI #1), by Michael Prescott
- Blood in the Water (Bonnie Parker, PI #2), by Michael Prescott
- Bad to the Bone (Bonnie Parker, PI #3), by Michael Prescott
- Skin in the Game (Bonnie Parker, PI #4), by Michael Prescott
- Keeper of the Lost Cities (Book #1), by Shannon Messenger
- The Cuckoo’s Calling (Cormoran Strike #1), by Robert Galbraith (aka: J.K. Rowling) ++
- Shift (Silo #2), by Hugh Howey
- Exile (Keeper of the Lost Cities #2), by Shannon Messenger
- Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities #3), by Shannon Messenger
- Neverseen (Keeper of the Lost Cities #4), by Shannon Messenger
- Lodestar (Keeper of the Lost Cities #5), by Shannon Messenger
- Dust (Silo #3), by Hugh Howey
- 12 Angry Men: True Stories of Being a Black Man in America Today, by Gregory S. Parks (editor)
- On Writing, by Stephen King
- The Dark Tower: Omnibus, by Stephen King
- Homeland (The Legend of Drizzt #1), by R.A. Salvatore
- Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Dragonlance Chronicles #1), by Andrew Dabb
- Saga (Vol. 1), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Saga (Vol. 2), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Saga (Vol. 3), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Work Rules!, by Laszlo Bock ++
- Saga (Vol. 4), by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples ++
- Radical Candor, by Kim Scott ++
- Fowl Language: The Struggle is Real, by Brian Gordon
- Waking up White, by Debby Irving ++
- Die Wide Awake, by Michael Prescott
- The Legend of Drizzt: Omnibus 1, by R.A. Salvatore
- The Legend of Drizzt: Omnibus 2, by R.A. Salvatore
- New Spring (Wheel of Time #0, Prequel), by Robert Jordan
- Wheel of Time Reread: Book 1 (WoT Books 1-4), by Leigh Butler
- Wheel of Time Reread: Book 2 (WoT Books 5-6), by Leigh Butler
~ ~ ~
- The Power of Awareness, by Neville Goddard
- Quiet, by Susan Cain ++
- The Dip, by Seth Godin
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo
- Pro Git, by Scott Chacon
- Think Like a Freak, by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
- Superfreakonomics, by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
- Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood, by Dr. Lisa Damour ++
- How to Interesting: In 10 Simple Steps, by Jessica Hagy
- Invincible (Compendium 1), by Robert Kirkman
- The Walking Dead (Compendium 3), by Robert Kirkman
- Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits, by Gretchen Rubin ++
- The Last Coyote (Harry Bosch #4), by Michael Connelly
- The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens, by David Gardner
- I Am Malala, by Malala Yousafzai ++
- Animal Farm, by George Orwell
- Dating Smarts: What Every Teen Needs To Know To Date, Relate, Or Wait, by Amy Lang ++
- Modern Technical Writing, by Andrew Etter
- The Checklist Manifesto, by Atul Gawande ++
- Fables: Book 8 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham
- Politics and the English Language, by George Orwell
- Wyatt Earp Speaks!, by John Richard Stephens (editor)
- Stop Stealing Dreams, by Seth Godin
- Middle School Makeover, by Michelle Icard
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Book 1), by J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2), by J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Book 3), by J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4), by J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Book 5), by J.K. Rowling
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book 6), by J.K. Rowling
~ ~ ~
- The Road Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck (reread)
- Buddist Beleifs & Principles, by Chaya Rao
- Fables: Book 1 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- The Black Stiletto, by Raymond Bensen
- Star Wars: Princess Leia (Issue #1), by Mark Waid & Tery Dodson
- The Dude and the Zen Master, by Jeff Bridges & Bernie Glassman ++
- Fables: Book 2 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- Fables: Book 3 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- Fables: Book 4 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout
- Cracking the PM Interview, by Gayle Laakmann McDowell & Jackie Bavaro
- The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas
- American Vampire (Book 6), by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuguerque, & Stephen King
- Fables: Book 5 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- Fables: Book 6 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- Fables: Book 7 Deluxe Edition, by Bill Willingham ++
- Getting There: A Book of Mentors, by Gillian Zoe Segal ++
- How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, by Scott Adams
- What the Most Successful People Do at Work, by Larua Vanderkam ++
- What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, by Larua Vanderkam ++
- What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, by Larua Vanderkam ++
- Dream Year, by Ben Arment
- Star Wars: Darth Vader (Vol. 1), by Kieren Gillen
- Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes (Vol. 1), by Jason Aaron
- Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat #5), by Richard Castle (psuedonym)
- Raging Heat (Nikki Heat #6), by Richard Castle (psuedonym)
- Driving Heat (Nikki Heat #7), by Richard Castle (psuedonym)
~ ~ ~
- Wizard and Glass (Dark Tower #4), by Stephen King
- Wolves of the Calla (Dark Tower #5), by Stephen King
- Song of Susannah (Dark Tower #6), by Stephen King
- The Dark Tower (Dark Tower #7), by Stephen King
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 1), by Haden Blackman, Ben Caldwell, Matt Fillbach, & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 2), by Haden Blackman, Welles Hartley, Matt Fillbach, & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 3), by Haden Blackman, Ryan Kaufman, Thomas Andrews, Matt Fillbach, & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 4), by Haden Blackman, Ryan Kaufman, Justin Lambros, Matt Fillbach, & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 5), by Matt Jacobs, Rick Lacy, Matt Fillbach, & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 6), by Haden Blackman, Thomas Andrews, Stewart McKenny, Matt Fillbach, & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 7), by Matt Fillbach, Shawn Fillback, Chris Avellone, & Ethen Beavers
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 8), by Matt Fillbach & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 9), by Matt Fillbach & Shawn Fillback
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Vol. 10), by Matt Fillbach & Shawn Fillback
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Avengers (Vol. 1), by Brian Michael Bendis, Steve McNiven, & Sara Pichelli
- Walking Dead (Compendium 1), by Robert Kirkman
- Walking Dead (Compendium 2), by Robert Kirkman
- Moms Who Drink and Swear, by Nicole Knepper (abandoned)
- Kicking and Dreaming: A Story of Heart, and Rock and Roll, by Ann and Nancy Wilson
- The Life Eaters, by David Brin & Scott Hampton
- American Vampire (Book 1), by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuguerque, & Stephen King
- American Vampire (Book 2), by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuguerque, & Stephen King
- Northlanders: Sven The Returned (Book 1), by Brian Wood & Davide Gianfelice
- Northlanders: The Cross + The Hammer (Book 2), by Brian Wood & Davide Gianfelice
- The Boys: The Name of the Game (Book 1), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Get Some (Book 2), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Good for the Soul (Book 3), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: We Gotta Go Now (Book 4), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Herogasm (Book 5), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Self-Preservation Society (Book 6), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- American Vampire (Book 3), by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuguerque, & Stephen King
- American Vampire (Book 4), by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuguerque, & Stephen King
- American Vampire (Book 5), by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuguerque, & Stephen King
- The Boys: The Innocents (Book 7), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Highland Laddie (Book 8), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: The Big Ride (Book 9), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker (Book 10), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men (Book 11), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- The Boys: The Bloody Doors Off (Book 12), by Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson
- Age of Opportunity, by Laurence Stenberg
~ ~ ~
- Memories, Dreams, Reflections, by Carl Jung (abandoned)
- Cloud Atlas, by Liam Callanan
- Dangerous Games (Abby & Tess #3), by Michael Prescott ++
- The Shadow Hunter (Abby & Tess #1), by Michael Prescott ++
- Next Victim (Abby & Tess #2), by Michael Prescott ++
- Mortal Faults (Abby & Tess #4), by Michael Prescott ++
- Final Sins (Abby & Tess #5), by Michael Prescott ++
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Book 1), by J.K. Rowling ++
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams ++
- The Time of Our Lives, by Tom Brokaw
- The Hunger Games (Hunger Games #1), by Suzanne Collins ++
- Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2), by Suzanne Collins ++
- Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3), by Suzanne Collins ++
- Parenting with Love and Logic, by Foster W. Cline & Jim Fay, M.D.
- Stories I Only Tell My Friends, by Rob Lowe ++
- Lucky Man, by Michael J. Fox ++
- Ender’s Game (Ender Quintet #1), by Orson Scott Card
- The Way of the Superior Man, by David Deida (abandoned)
- The Gunslinger (Dark Tower #1), by Stephen King
- The Drawing of the Three (Dark Tower #2), by Stephen King
- The Waste Lands (Dark Tower #3), by Stephen King
~ ~ ~
- Life of Pi, by Yann Martel
- Already Gone, by John Rector
- Canticle (The Cleric Quintet #1), by R.A. Salvatore
- In Sylvan Shadows (The Cleric Quintet #2), by R.A. Salvatore
- Night Masks (The Cleric Quintet #3), by R.A. Salvatore
- The Fallen Fortress (The Cleric Quintet #4), by R.A. Salvatore
- The Chaos Curse (The Cleric Quintet #5), by R.A. Salvatore
- Zero Sight, by B. Justin Shier ++
- Zero Sum, by B. Justin Shier ++
- Heat Wave (Nikki Heat #1), by Richard Castle (psuedonym) ++
- Naked Heat (Nikki Heat #2), by Richard Castle (psuedonym) ++
- Heat Rises (Nikki Heat #3), by Richard Castle (psuedonym) ++
- The Road Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck ++
- The Cold Dish (Walt Longmire #1), by Craig Johnson
- It’s So Easy, by Duff McKagan
- INXS: Story to Story, by Anthony Bozza
- Amazing Gracie: A Dog’s Tale, by Dan Dye & Mark Beckloff
- Traveling Mercies, by Anne Lamott
- Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell
- The Black Echo (Harry Bosch #1), by Michael Connelly ++
- The Black Ice (Harry Bosch #2), by Michael Connelly ++
- The Concrete Blond (Harry Bosch #3), by Michael Connelly ++
- Frozen Heat (Nikki Heat #4), by Richard Castle (psuedonym) ++
~ ~ ~
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson ++
- The Girl Who Played with Fire, by Stieg Larsson ++
- The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest, by Stieg Larsson ++
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Books I didn’t finish are marked as abandoned.
Why didn’t I finish the book? I like to read one book at a time and years ago it took me months to slug my way through a book that everyone kept telling me “keep reading, it gets better, you’ll love it.” Nope, didn’t love it…or even like it. Lesson learned. If I don’t enjoy a book within the first 30-50 pages, I stop reading it. There are way too many amazing authors and books out there in the world for me to enjoy, not to mention my lengthy to-read list (tsundoku).
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